47,925 new cases in 24 hours, 102 dead in French hospitals

47,925 new cases in 24 hours, 102 dead in French hospitals

UPDATE ON THE SITUATION – New measures, new reports and highlights: Le Figaro takes stock of the latest developments in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Possible lifting of the latest restrictions in France, Beijing which is closing dozens of metro stations, South Africa which is facing two new sub-variants of Omicron… Le Figaro provides an update this Wednesday, May 4 on the latest information related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

22,319 patients hospitalized in France

The pressure on hospitals continues to decrease in France, according to data from Public Health France. In total, French hospitals had 22,319 patients affected by Covid this Wednesday, against 22,849 the day before. Among them, 1,465 were admitted to critical care, including 98 admissions in the last 24 hours. The macabre count of the pandemic continues: 102 deaths are to be deplored in hospitals in the last 24 hours. 47,925 new cases of Covid-19 have also been detected in the past 24 hours, compared to 67,017 the day before. The test positivity rate stands at 23.7%.

“Adaptations” of health restrictions to be expected in the “coming weeks” in France

At the end of the Council of Ministers, the government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, indicated that the health situation was in “great improvement” in the country. The daily number of contaminations has, in fact, fallen below the bar of 50,000 cases per day on average, a first since December 2021. This improvement “will give rise to adaptations in the coming weeks. measures in force, Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday, according to Gabriel Attal. The head of state, however, did not give further details. Most anti-Covid restrictions have already been lifted. Still remains the obligation to wear a mask in transport, compulsory isolation after a positive test and the obligation to vaccinate for caregivers.

Beijing closes dozens of subway stations, extends restrictions

Largely spared for two years, China has faced its worst epidemic outbreak in recent weeks since the spring of 2020, which has undermined its zero Covid strategy. Residents of Beijing, where 51 new cases were reported on Wednesday, fear their city will be locked down, like Shanghai, China’s largest city with 25 million people, where most cases are recorded. The Beijing Metro announced the closure of about 60 stations on Wednesday, or about 18% of the network, many of which are near confined areas, according to its WeChat page. « Station entrances and exits will be closed… but (line) changes can be made inside the stations, » specifies the opinion.

In Beijing, residential complexes where contamination has been identified are padlocked to prevent residents from leaving. Municipal government spokesman Xu Hejian told reporters on Wednesday that the capital will « temporarily extend » restrictions, including banning restaurants and closing entertainment venues and sports clubs. Officials initially said the restrictions would end with the end of the Labor Day holiday on Thursday. Authorities appeared to be relaxing some rules, however, with Xu Hejian saying people arriving from overseas in Beijing would be required to observe a 10-day supervised quarantine and one week of home isolation, down from 21 days of quarantine previously.

» SEE ALSO – Covid-19: restrictions tighten in Beijing, residents get tested

South Africa: two new sub-variants of Omicron at the origin of the Covid peak

“South African scientists who identified Omicron late last year have now flagged two other Omicron sub-variants, BA.4 and BA.5, as causing a spike in cases in South Africa »said the Director General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, at a press conference. “It is too early to know if these new subvariants can cause more severe forms of the disease than other Omicron subvariants”but early data suggests the vaccine continues to offer good protection against severe forms of Covid and reduce the risk of death, he said.

South Africa, the country officially hardest hit on the continent by Covid-19, has entered a new wave of the pandemic, the Center for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI) warned at the end of April. The country, where less than 45% of the adult population is fully vaccinated, had experienced a 48-hour period in early March without any Covid-related deaths, a first since 2020. President Cyril Ramaphosa announced in early April the lifting of all restrictions. pandemic-related legal restrictions. “The best way to protect the population remains vaccination, along with proven social and public health measures,” noted Dr. Tedros.

US Foreign Minister Antony Blinken tested positive for Covid

US Foreign Minister Antony Blinken tested positive for Covid-19 on Wednesday, with « mild symptoms », announced the State Department. he goes « self-isolate at home » and work virtually, his spokesman Ned Price added in a statement, stressing that he had no « not seen » Joe Biden since « several days ». The President of the United States is therefore not considered a close contact, he added.

Asked by the press, Ned Price then clarified that a major speech on the Biden government’s policy towards China that Antony Blinken was to deliver on Thursday was therefore postponed indefinitely. The Secretary of State was due to attend international meetings overseas next week. “He looks forward to returning to the State Department and resuming all of his duties and travels as soon as possible,” merely said the spokesman.


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