7 Signs that you are with the right person

4) You can’t imagine being happier and more fulfilled.

Related to #1, not only is relationship satisfaction high for both people, but you can’t imagine being happier in a relationship with another person. People who imagine that other relationships are happier are usually dissatisfied with one or more aspects of their current relationship. And I’m not usually talking about minor annoyances (like only taking out the trash when asked). I’m talking about major relationship issues that weigh you down every week.

You are in the right relationship if you can’t imagine being happier or more satisfied with another person.

5) who you are and what you want from life.

The person who is in a happy and satisfied relationship knows who he or she is and what he or she wants out of life. If you don’t know these things, you will hardly be able to know if you are with the right person, because you don’t even know yourself well enough to ask yourself this question.

The right person for you will be the one you know you want and need in your life, the one who complements your personality and expectations and enriches your life in a way you value most. If you really know yourself and your needs, you probably also know what kind of person you want.

6) You have never been happier in a relationship.

If you compare your current relationship to all the previous ones and see that your current relationship is pushing all the right buttons, it is a sign that you have made the right choice. Be careful, though, because memory is not always accurate when it comes to remembering the past. We often change things to fit our internal narrative, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. So you should try to be as objective as possible in this regard.

If you can’t remember another relationship where you felt better, were treated better, or that helped you achieve your dreams and happiness, then you are in the right relationship.

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