7 ways to recognize an honest mechanic

The hourly labour rate must be clearly posted. Be aware that any time started is due.

It’s all about teaching!

          Not everyone is a mechanic, and some garages know that. However, a conscientious professional must spend time with his client to explain point by point the operations that must be performed on his vehicle. If you have any questions, and the mechanic says he doesn’t have time to open the hood to show you what he’s going to do, go ahead.

Verify source of parts

           Adaptable parts, or original manufacturer parts? If you think the estimate is too expensive for your car, which is already old and has a lot of mileage, you can ask the mechanic to repair your car with so-called «adaptable» parts, which are not supplied directly by the manufacturer of your car. Generally cheaper, they are not always of poor quality, and often make it possible to «finish» a car.

          If your car is very worn, it can also offer you used parts, except for safety devices (tires, brakes, shock absorbers). Think about what you really want to invest in your old car, which you’ll probably part with soon.

Was my vehicle really repaired?

          Some garages do not hesitate to charge replacement parts that they will not change. If in doubt, before signing the repair order, require that they keep used parts to show them to you. They’re yours, not his.

           If he has nothing to be ashamed of, and the coins are really out of order, he will grant your request with a smile.

The Solutions:

            Just ask the mechanic to install a real new tire.

If in doubt, ask for proof of purchase of the tire with the date of manufacture.

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