Here are our tips to alleviate the symptoms of hypertrophy

Here are our tips to alleviate the symptoms of hypertrophy

Prostate problems: Here are all our tips to alleviate the symptoms of hypertrophy without going through a chemical treatment.

Tips to decrease benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) symptoms: By changing your diet and exercise habits, you can better manage the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, such as the frequency and urgency of urination. People Act Magazine has some tips for doing just that.

prostate cancer

Measures to reduce the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia

Scientists indicate that the following measures can help reduce the symptoms of BPH. First, avoid liquids for a few hours before going to bed or before going out. It is a matter of common sense.

Next, limit caffeine and alcohol, as they can stimulate the urge to urinate. In addition, it is recommended to follow a low-fat diet.

It is also advisable to eat a variety of vegetables daily. Doctors also advise consuming daily portions of fruits, especially citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon). It is also important to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity during the week. It is advisable to maintain a healthy weight.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

The function of total protein in the diet and its relationship to BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) is unclear. Studies have indicated a significant risk of BPH in men who consume a lot of red meat. But other scientific studies have shown a reduced risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia in men with a high protein intake. In particular, protein intake from leaner forms like fish.

Hypertrophy: The result? Healthy habits like exercising regularly, watching height, eating vegetables and fruits, and controlling fat intake can help fight BPH and reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction , diabetes and heart disease. Do not hesitate to go running, it is an activity accessible to all. Joining a gym is also a good option.

Indeed, with a subscription, it is possible to go in an unlimited way in this place and to use machines. It is possible to work all parts of the body. Alternatively, walking is also a great option. You can go there for a few hours and get some exercise.

Hypertrophy: health, a major concern of the French

Throughout the year, People Act Magazine offers you, through multiple articles, practical advice in the field of health. The aim of the entire editorial team is to give you practical advice. It must be said that health is a major concern of the French. In France, patients can benefit from the social security system.

It is a solidarity system that allows everyone to receive treatment at a lower cost. The poorest have the CMU: universal health coverage, which allows them to pay nothing to the doctor. However, some people in a precarious situation can no longer afford glasses or dental care.

There are also associations like the Red Cross that work on this subject. In recent years, with the development of precariousness, the use of associations is increasingly strong and this is not likely to improve with the increase in inflation.

Unfortunately, the number of doctors has been declining lately. This is also the case for specialists. In France, there are many medical deserts. French men and women who live in villages have to travel many kilometers to find a specialist.


In addition, the famous numerus clausus for medical students has been relaxed to allow the recruitment of more doctors. It was a real emergency. Especially since life expectancy is increasing and the number of elderly people continues to grow. The issue of retirement homes is also a key issue.

Hypertrophy: This is a theme that was very present in the presidential campaign. The various candidates have proposed solutions to solve this really thorny problem. Another complex subject to resolve is that of pensions. Some presidential candidates have proposed raising the retirement age, such as Emmanuel Macron who has just been re-elected.

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