Pauline (Koh-Lanta) in a relationship for 8 years with an ex-champion of France (EXCLUDED)

Pauline (Koh-Lanta) in a relationship for 8 years with an ex-champion of France (EXCLUDED)

It’s a blow for Pauline. The participant in Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem was eliminated in one event since she finished last. The young woman passionate about motorsport who was also Miss confided in Her adventure as a castaway, her family, the Miss competitions and even her longtime companion… she confides like never before.

How did you experience your elimination?

We all expect playoffs. But I didn’t think it would come at this time, right after reunification. I was very surprised when I left. Because I had never come last in an event, I was more in the middle. I kind of dropped out physically because I had been a little sick for three days because of the bad climate in the Philippines. I think that physically, I had arrived at the end.

What happened during the test?

When the event begins, I am one of the first to bring back a puck. I had the technique right away. But as the minutes pass, I completely pick up. We were in full sun, I was already a bit in a daze. So I adopt another technique, throwing my grapple backwards which was a bit of nonsense. I don’t know why I did this. And that’s when I was lost.

Emotion takes over, on you like your comrades… What is going on in your head at that moment?

I had a hard time believing it. It was so sudden. And then I see the others crying. It pains me, but at the same time it reassures me. I see the sincerity in the eyes of my teammates and I tell myself that everything we have experienced since the beginning was true. I felt the same as them, it’s an exchange, a real moment of emotion. And I hope they will go far to represent me.

How did you survive with your cursed bracelet?

Koh Lanta it’s also a lot of social. Unfortunately, we cannot go against affinities. In a group, there are personalities that are liked or not. I have created very strong affinities with my classmates. They always thought of protecting me from this cursed bracelet. They helped me, did everything to make me go as far as possible. And I will never forget, it is a proof of their friendship.

Maxime seems to be the most in danger among the ex-reds, why do you think?

What is paradoxical with Maxime is that he is both super natural and cool. But in the game, the slightest reflection, the slightest character trait that is a bit particular quickly becomes unbearable. He did not calculate his words or his gestures. And under these conditions, everything becomes an excuse to get on the nerves of others. It is true that he immediately had the role of the one who was in the hot seat with the reds.

Did you have the end of the story of the cassava bowl found empty?

Never ! We never found out who stole the cassava. I immediately thought of him, I looked at him with eyes… He must have said to himself: « Ohlala, but what will happen to me? » And I immediately saw that he had absolutely nothing to do with it. I wasn’t going to incriminate him for that when we had no proof. We had nerves on edge quickly.

« She is useless« , « it’s a plague« … What do you have to say to these criticisms from Internet users?

I think since that doesn’t represent the majority of comments, I don’t care. It doesn’t make me hot or cold. I’m used to being criticized for the performances of my brother and me. Let’s say I’m used to it. And then, as it is completely unjustified and unfounded, it comforts me in my thinking not to pay attention to it. I take constructive criticism willingly because it makes me grow and progress. However, these comments go over my head.

It is also said that you are hiding behind Ambre and Louana… What do you think?

I had a cursed bracelet. So of course I avoided putting certain people against me as much as possible. Afterwards, everything that happens in three days of adventure cannot be summed up in a two-hour episode. There are a lot of discussions that happen off-air. I always had my role and my place in the group.

What was the hardest thing for you in camp?

Between hunger and humidity, bad weather, I couldn’t choose. On Koh Lanta, we have no choice but to starve. But I think that if we had had a better climate, we would have lived through hunger better. What is also strange is that the relatives, we do not particularly think about it. We are so obsessed with food, we talk about it all day, that the few times we are asked questions about our family or that there are rewards related to it, it is obvious to us. And we say to ourselves:But in fact I haven’t thought of them since the beginning when they haven’t heard from me…« And that makes us feel guilty.

What was your first gesture on the way back?

I came back around December. It was the start of the Christmas holidays. So it was a food orgy, chocolates galore. I ate a lot and it did me good, both in mind and in body. Because I needed to gain a few pounds.

You say you had to put your motorsport career aside to focus on your brother’s. Why this ?

It is a sport that is excessively expensive. We are not unhappy with my brother, but we had to make a choice. My father could not afford to pay motorsport seasons for my brother and me. I was reaching the age to choose a field for studies and I had less talent than my brother. It must be said, there is no need to be afraid. It just made sense, even to me. It didn’t come across as a real sacrifice. I most certainly couldn’t have done much. And when we see what my brother is doing today, we say to ourselves that we did well to make this choice.

You were Miss, how did that come to you?

It didn’t come from me but from my mother. She said : « You don’t do karting anymore, you can finally do feminine things that will make me happy to see! It would be cool if you had a little election. Trying your luck. And then, there is worse than spending the evening made up and dressed by professionals. You will have fun, try and enjoy!“You should know that she loves going to see my brother at the races but it is not yet considered a very feminine sport, it does not please the majority of women. I said to myself why not.

On social networks, you shared a before/after (63kg to 54kg), what happened?

When I was doing karting, at 14/15 years old, it was not really fashionable to take care of yourself, to play sports, to pay attention to your diet. It was not super democratized. And when I stopped, I had to find an activity. Because it took almost all of my time and suddenly I found myself having time not knowing what to do with it. I was a little lost. All this has started to emerge a bit on social networks. I became interested in it, I experienced it on my own body. Everything I learned, I implemented. It kept me busy and it became a second passion.

Many have fallen under your spell… and want to know if you are a heart to take?

I have been in a relationship for a very long time! It’s quite rare for someone my age, I’ve been in a relationship with Nolan Mantione, a former French karting champion, for eight years. In the end, I wouldn’t have made a career in sport, but I found the love of my life there.

What are your projects ?

Like Koh Lanta gives us a lot of visibility, and it’s a chance, I would like to take advantage of it to introduce France to my passion for motorsport. I would like to open a YouTube channel and share videos on the subject, and also share a bit of my brother’s career and our daily lives. Afterwards, if they call me for an All Stars, I come back without hesitation!

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