Abortion: Senator Elizabeth Warren furious before the Supreme Court

Abortion: Senator Elizabeth Warren furious before the Supreme Court

via Associated Press

Senator Elizabeth Warren, May 3, 2022 before the Supreme Court in Washington.

UNITED STATES – The protest does not weaken against the offensive on abortion. Senator Elizabeth Warren, ex-candidate in the Democratic presidential primaries of 2020, took to the streets on Tuesday, May 3, to express her anger.

The information site Politico revealed on Monday night, using leaked high court working papers, that the Supreme Court may reverse Roe v. Wade. This has recognized the right to abortion since 1973, again targeted by elected Conservatives.

On Tuesday, thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of the Supreme Court to defend access to abortion, against this draft decision. Among them, Elizabeth Warren, very « angry » at this threat against abortion, but « determined » to fight against this decline.

With very animated gestures, reflecting her anger, she accused the Conservatives of having “conspired” and of having “meticulously” ensured that the jurors on their side “had a majority to implement something something most Americans don’t want.

A project that threatens “the poorest women”

Elizabeth Warren was particularly targeting the arrival at the Supreme Court of conservative magistrate Amy Coney Barrett, who took the seat left vacant after the death of feminist Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The high court, which arbitrates social issues in the United States, is dominated by conservative judges (six judges out of nine). Three of them were nominated by Donald Trump.

« They knew what they would get when they voted for these people, » she insisted. And that’s what they want. It’s up to the rest of us to make the legislative process work.”

In front of activists defending the right to abortion, Elizabeth Warren estimated that it is the most precarious women who will suffer the most if the Roe v. Wade is canceled. “I’m angry because I know who’s going to pay the price for this. It’s not the rich women. Rich women can fly, she insisted. They can go to another state, to another country.” “They can get the protection they need,” she added.

The Supreme Court’s project « will affect the poorest women », according to the senator who also assured that « young women », victims of incest and rape, « mothers who already have difficulty » feeding and caring for their children will be penalized.

The American president, for his part, said he was “very worried” and called on the left to mobilize to defend access to abortion, because if the Court were to adopt this project, each of the 50 American states would find the right to prohibit abortions on its soil. Half of them, mainly in the south and center of the country, should take this route.

Oklahoma has just signed one of the most restrictive laws on abortion by prohibiting it after six weeks of pregnancy, while most pregnant people are unaware of expecting a child at this stage.

See also on The HuffPost: In the United States, thousands of protesters march for the right to abortion

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