Jean-Luc Reichmann raises his voice and calls security!

Jean-Luc Reichmann raises his voice and calls security!

In the 12 noon shots, Jean-Luc Reichmann had to reframe a particularly threatening candidate with another participant.

I am very happy to be here and it is an honor to represent French firefighters, said Jean-Luc Reichmann. The young man had marked the viewers, not only by his culture, but also by his benevolence. The former Master of Noon proved once again that he possessed a great deal of knowledge by correcting certain errors.

Jean-Luc Reichmann raises his voice against a candidate!

Jean-Luc Reichmann the 12 strokes of noon

Indeed Jean-Luc Reichmann needed the young man to answer certain questions, he also needed the help of the other firefighters present to bring to heel a candidate who was a little too threatening. Indeed, after the blow by blow, Laetitia, herself a volunteer firefighter, wanted to challenge Apollinaire to a duel.

But the latter, who did not appreciate this decision, replied: Be careful, I know where you are parked. A threat that shocked the host of 12 noon shots Jean-Luc Reichmann who then immediately intervened to reframe it. But what’s wrong with that? I will have to call security, he said before asking two firefighters to watch the young man.

Apollinaire did not lose his concentration and brilliantly took up the challenge by correctly answering the question posed by Jean-Luc Reichmann. Qualified for the fatal blow, the young man did not however succeed in overthrowing the midday master. The young Quentin wins a third victory and manages to increase his kitty to just over 17,000 euros.

Jean-Luc Reichmann: his son Swann reveals a rare photo of the host’s ex-wife

Jean-Luc Reichmann is an animator who has had several lives in the past. Recently, a photo of his former girlfriend was revealed!

Jean-Luc Reichmann is a well-known personality in the world of television. Indeed, he is known to have hosted many shows that continue to attract viewers.

Jean-Luc Reichmann, success at the rendezvous?

He is an animator who has made a name for himself quite quickly in this field.

Indeed, he was able to stand out from the others thanks to his personality and his ease in presenting programs.

As such, you should know that he has been known for years for having hosted several shows. These programs are known to most French people, which has helped to improve its notoriety.

Thus, he was at the controls of the program Attention à la marche and more recently of the program Les 12 coups de midi. Two programs that have ensured his success, not to mention the various programs in which he participated. We can note his participation in the series where he plays the main role.

But although his popularity is quite significant, and he is one of the most popular animators of the French, you should know that he hides a certain secret garden.

In fact, recently, an aspect of his past life was revealed by his son Swann, who made it possible to remember certain aspects.

Jean-Luc Reichmann and his former girlfriend

Sometimes different personalities hide certain aspects of their private lives.

Indeed, it is a way to protect their loved ones, but not only. It also protects the person in charge, as not much leaks in the media and magazines.

Jean-Luc Reichmann, is a personality who wanted to hide certain aspects of his private life. A life choice that has recently brought to light another aspect of his life.

Indeed, Jean-Luc Reichmann has already had several relationships and it is one of these old relationships that has surfaced.

He is at the head of a large and beautiful blended family with his partner Nathalie Lecoultre. The couple have six children in their tribe, including Rosalie (24) and Swann, the only ones to have been presented to the general public. These last two are the offspring of the previous relationship of Jean-Luc Reichmann with his ex-girlfriend, a certain Nathalie Leboutte.

Thus, it is this relationship that has resurfaced on social networks. Especially when his son, Swann, wanted to wish a special event to his mother.

On Tuesday April 26, 2022, he wished a happy birthday to the former wife of Jean-Luc Reichmann by declaring the following in a story: Happy birthday mom. I like you.

Previously, it was her older sister, Rosalie, who wanted to pay a nice tribute to her mother for Mother’s Day.

The latter had shared a photo of her mother, to which Jean-Luc Reichmann had replied: Beautiful photo. Beautiful wallpaper. I remember having taken it the day before my departure to replace Marie-Ange Nardi in the program 40 degrees in the shade on FR3.

A loving father!

The relationship that Jean-Luc Reichmann has with his children is wonderful. He knew how to give his children what they needed so that they lacked nothing.

Moreover, he had already explained the relationship he has with his children, as well as the education he wishes to give them. This is a specific framework, specific to each family, but the host does not seem to hide it.

He says: We say hello, we say thank you. And I pay a lot of attention to their notes. I’m on the school site all day.

Jean-Luc Reichmann

When my teenager arrives from school with his hood, I don’t hesitate to set the record straight: a little elegance, a little respect! Afterwards, I am also a cool dad, a hen father.

Jean-Luc Reichmann is aware of being an old-fashioned dad, but that does not prevent his family from showing great complicity. In particular with his current partner and his children, showing a great complicity during a stay in the snow.

New photos could well arrive in the next few days and according to everyone’s desires!

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