Jacob threatens Kevin on a hike | Sylvia and Romain first kiss – Plus belle la vie May 10, 2022 (episode 4537) | More beautiful life

Romain PBLV

Discover the detailed summary of More beautiful life in advance episode 4537 of Tuesday May 10, 2022 broadcast on France 3. Romain ends up falling for Sylvia at the roommate. Ariane does not take Camille’s dying wish seriously, as written in her diary. Kevin left Marseille but Jacob found him.

Read the complete PBLV recap season 18 episode 4537 of 05/10/2022 in preview with all the photos from the soap opera Plus belle la vie.

Romain PBLV

ROmain finally kisses Sylvia

Find it full summary of More beautiful life of Tuesday, May 10, 2022 episode 4537 in advance, 3 days before the broadcast France 3): the recap of the previous episode PBLV 09/05/2022 is online.
Ariane is in all her states, Jacob has escaped her. He dived into the sea and managed to get out despite the perimeter … he hit a policeman and took his policeman’s jacket

Kylian wants to organize a dinner at the apartment with Noé, Lola and Betty during the week. Thomas and Gabriel end up accepting… Kylian promises that the evening will not end late. They plan to go to the cinema.
Kylian madly in love, offers a nice watch to Betty.

Kylian PBLV

Kylian got involved in the bolo pasta meal

Once at home, Betty is looking for the ideal outfit for the evening at Kylian’s…but she comes across her mother who has returned from her trip earlier than expected. She is not tender with her ex-husband.

Sylvia wants to achieve her goals with Romain Vidal, she asks him to test her new mattress to find out if it will hurt her back. Romain finds it perfect, quite firm and enveloping. Romain is not receptive to Sylvia’s advances.


The shock for Emma and Baptiste in the face of Camille’s diary

Betty PBLV

Betty’s mother infects with her daughter

So a little later, Fanny and Emilie help Sylvia prepare a romantic dinner…they go to Cassis and leave them alone.
Lack of luck, Romain is called for an emergency, the dinner falls through. But when he returns, he finds Sylvia cleansed listening to music. He enjoys watching her and they end up kissing.

Vidal more beautiful life

Vidal is not in seduction mode…he talks to her about baking soda to clean the roommate and the fact that it’s healthier

Emma is worried about not having heard from Camille. She decides with Baptiste to look for the journal on which she often scribbled. Inside they find goodbye messages…she says she’s freak because she stayed with Jacob too long. She writes that she loves her sister and Kevin.

Ariane PBLV

Ariane shocked to have let Jacob go

More beautiful life in advance episode 4537 of May 10, 2022: Jacob escaped

Emma takes Camille’s notebook to the police station…Lombard and Ariane imagine a staging. Emma judges that if something happens to her sister, Ariane will be responsible.


It was Baptiste who remembered that he had seen Camille write in this notebook

Kevin continues his hike quietly…but he is in danger, Jacob is watching him.

Jacob more beautiful life

Jacob spies on Kevin from a distance

Betty is entitled to many criticisms about her weight but also the way she dresses and wears makeup by her mother (“Avoid putting on lipstick, it looks bad”). Betty is hurt by his derogatory remarks.

Kylian more beautiful life

Kylian begs for a little evening with friends

Dinner at Gabriel and Thomas’s is not going well, Kylian quickly becomes disillusioned…because Betty is unpleasant. Betty is drunk from the meal, she lets off steam and says to Kylian “you’re ugly, you suck, you fuck badly”… and she leaves.

The highlights of Plus Belle la vie of May 10, 2022: what to remember

Ariane PBLV

Ariane struggles to empathize with Emma who is worried about her sister

– Emma is afraid that Camille is dead, that she wanted to commit suicide
– Ariane does not take Camille’s notebook seriously
– Kevin is in mortal danger with Jacob lurking
– Sylvia finally succeeds in seducing Romain
– Betty faces harsh criticism from her mother

To be continued the complete summary of Plus belle la vie in advance of Wednesday, May 11, 2022 with episode 4538.

Comment on the episodes on the More beautiful life forum and find the list of actors in the cast of the series. To note that the stop of Plus belle la vie is official for November 2022.

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