Traveling without a passport: seven destinations outside the European Union where an identity card is enough

Traveling without a passport: seven destinations outside the European Union where an identity card is enough

While the deadlines for renewing your passport have exploded, there are still a few alternatives for traveling outside the European Union even without a passport, with only your identity card. Here are some options.

Although the government has put in place an emergency plan to deal with delays in processing requests for the renewal of identity documents, and in particular passports, the certainty of having their documents renewed by the time they leave on vacation remains to be seen. today a risky bet.

If you have decided to go abroad this summer, but you only have your valid identity card, here are some ideas for destinations outside the European Union.


To go to Turkey, for a stay of less than three months, you will not need a visa or a passport. An identity card « whose period of validity exceeds by at least 150 days the date of entry in Turkey », can be enough, we read on France Diplomatie.

Be careful, however, if you are traveling with minors of whom you are not the parents, they must have a passport. If they only have the identity card, it will also be necessary to present a travel authorization completed and signed by the parents.


If you dream of going to see the Sphinx, the Pyramids, of visiting Alexandria… This may be the opportunity. The country accepts identity cards. « French nationals can enter Egypt with a national identity card with a minimum validity date of six months after the date of return to France », indicates France Diplomatie.

Please note that a visa is compulsory. It can be obtained from a consulate or online, the application being to be submitted at least seven days before departure.


We don’t necessarily think about it, because it’s not in the European Union, but Iceland is part of the Schengen area, which allows French nationals to move freely in the country for a period of less than three months. The identity card is therefore sufficient, and the change of scenery totally guaranteed.


It may have seemed obvious to you, because our borders are common, but Switzerland is outside the European Union but a member of the Schengen area.

Be careful, however, if your plane stops in Switzerland to a destination outside the Schengen area, they will have to present their passport, even if they are still on Swiss territory.


A little trip to the Balkans this summer? Albania is one of those countries in which the passport is not compulsory. For a stay of less than three months, French nationals can enter the territory with a simple identity card.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

To continue with the possibilities offered by the Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina. France Diplomatie specifies that to enter the territory« a valid national identity card » is sufficient for the duration of the stay.

On the other hand be careful if you are traveling by land, France Diplomatie indicates that it is « advisable to ensure, when crossing the border by road, that the passport has been correctly stamped by the authorities and that it includes the date of entry into the territory Bosnian ». Otherwise, travelers risk a fine.


No visa, no passport. If you want to go to Montenegro for a stay of less than 30 days, your identity card is also sufficient.

However, pay attention to your terms of stay. If you are staying with a private individual, you will have to remember to register your stay « with the Tourism Organization or the inspector for foreigners of the police station of the municipality where he is staying, within 24 hours of his arrival » .

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