Bigflo & Oli invite themselves to a wedding in the Marne for the filming of a clip

Bigflo & Oli invite themselves to a wedding in the Marne for the filming of a clip

The two rappers well known for their videos arrived by surprise at a wedding in the Marne on Saturday May 7 in the town of Mesneux near Reims. They shot part of their next music video. Total surprise for the amazed guests.

Known for their clip, « Dommage » which has accumulated 240 million views in five years, the two rapper brothers from Toulouse, Bigflo & Oli, never go unnoticed. Even less when the duo shows up at a surprise wedding in Champagne. The two rappers were invited to a wedding on Saturday May 7, 2022 in the Marne at La Closeraie, at Mesneux. For the purposes of a clip. The guests, like the newlyweds, are not ready to forget their day.

The wedding of Delphine and Benjamin, two 35-year-old Marnais, from Reims, was taking place quietly, in this green place 15 minutes from Reims, when the rappers burst in, coming out of a black van, to the delight of the bride and groom and their guests. Bigflo & Oli were indeed looking for a wedding for the next shoot of their clip. Their production contacted La Closeraie and the future bride and groom were put into their confidence. They accepted this organized intrusion willingly.

The info was to remain secret, but it sparked a number of posts on social networks. Including a video of their arrival, posted by the wedding DJ on his Instagram account and on TikTok. We see the arrival of the rappers in a black van, flocked with the logo of their highly anticipated new album, not yet released. The two brothers climb onto a small stage where two microphones are installed, to the applause of the guests who cannot believe their eyes.

VIDEO: the arrival of Bigflo & Oli

For Benjamin, the groom, that moment was « great, awesome ». Maxime his witness, can’t believe it. « Such a surprise, it’s unexpected, the atmosphere was great. Impossible to imagine such an event. They were brilliant, they took pictures with all the children, they even redid a song for us. Really Great« . As for Arthur, 10, also present on May 7, and who knows their songs by heart, he recounts with emotion his joy at having seen his favorite singers. « I was able to talk to them, do some checks, they are very nice ».

The two brothers arrived in the middle of the reception in the park and offered a singing tour to the wedding guests. Their production box has set up its cameras to shoot footage for their next music video. »in a very friendly atmosphere »according to guests present.

The authors of « Sacred brothel » (sreleased on April 5, 2022 and already 4.7 million views on Youtube) congratulated the newlyweds and lent themselves to a photo and autograph session for the wedding guests. They then left for Paris to shoot other sequences of their clip. They thanked the newlyweds and invited them to their next concert at Paris-Bercy in June. Nice wedding gift by the way.

The wedding guests, they signed a document prohibiting them from using the videos where the duo appears in a public way, during this wedding under the Champagne sun. Bigflo & Oli previewed their new hit, but they asked the guests to keep it confidential. The stars, accustomed to millions of views for their clips, know how to keep the suspense.

Especially since rappers are making their comeback on stage in 2022. Four years after « La Vie de rêve« , Bigflo & Oli are releasing a new album and have programmed a unique concert on June 24, 2022 at the Accor Arena in Paris (Bercy). Fans snapped up seats. In March 2022, the people of Toulouse had surprised with a glass cage installed in their city, place du Capitole, again for the filming of a clip. In this cage, they had set up a recording studio. The art of surprise and staging.

Their pre-order album has already sold 10,000 copies. The two brothers have also associated their fans in the choice of title and cover. It will be released on June 24. Three titles are considered:  » The others are us », « All extraordinary  » and  » Florian & Olivio « .

The duo had responded to France 3 Champagne-Ardenne, during a concert at the Cartonnerie de Reims, during the first « Gibberish Festival », it was in October 2017. Their concert was sold out months in advance. for a gauge of 1,200 seats. The two brothers then confessed to being surprised by their dazzling success. They said they were inspired by real life, and their friends, « we talk about our lives, the family, our parents« . Close to IAM or MC Solar in inspiration, they explained living a dream, and working with their heart and their guts. « Our difference touches, we try to be true ».

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