Funeral of Antoine Alléno: the moving and uncompromising speech of his father, Yannick Alléno

Funeral of Antoine Alléno: the moving and uncompromising speech of his father, Yannick Alléno

Friday May 13, 2022 took place the funeral of Antoine Alléno, in Poissy. A few hours after paying tribute to his son on Instagram, starred chef Yannick Alléno delivered a moving speech.

A drama that touched the greatest number… On the evening of Sunday May 8, 2022, the son of Yannick Alleno died at the age of 24. Violently hit by a driver while he was at a red light on a scooter, the young man died instantly. In order to pay tribute to Antoine Alléno, his family and the world of gastronomy met in the collegiate church of Notre-Dame de Poissy, in the Yvelines. As unveiled CNews, Yannick Alléno gave a moving speech to the assembly. « This death, this horror must be at the origin of a change, of the return of severity against the delinquency which is rampant. He’s a broke 24-year-old Frenchman with patriotic ambitions“, said the starred chef.

A few hours earlier, it was on Instagram that Yannick Alléno honored the memory of his son. With emotion, it is in the caption of a black and white snapshot that the starred chef shared: « Today you will enter eternity! We chose your mother and I this beautiful house which had the opportunity many times to see you pass by! It opens its doors to you this afternoon! You have never done anything like the others! You came into the world on July 4, an American national holiday and left on May 8, Liberation Day!« After indicating that his son, Antoine Alléno, had done a lot of things despite his young age, the starred chef added: »This afternoon, the whole world will come to greet you, I know you’ll be a little embarrassed, but it’s the ransom of glory, of YOUR GLORY! Your brother Thomas, your big brother and I are going to build again and again, with you to guide us, with that high gaze you have from the heavens, even more beautiful things!« 

The moving tribute to Antoine Alléno on the Eiffel Tower

Friday, May 13, 2022, chef Frédéric Anton, in the kitchen of Jules Verne, located on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower, wanted to pay tribute to the 24-year-old young man. Indeed, the son of Yannick Alléno had cut his teeth there a few years earlier. On Instagram, it is in the caption of a snapshot where the cooks hold panels with letters to form the first name of the young man that the chef wrote: « A thought for you my dear Antoine, all your friends from Pré Catelan and Jules Verne will accompany you on this trip.« 


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2/12 –

Yannick Alleno
Yannick Alléno’s son was 24 years old.

© Veeren -Christophe Clovis

3/12 –

Yannick Alleno
Violently hit by a driver while he was at a red light on a scooter, his son, Antoine Alléno, died instantly.


4/12 –

Yannick Alleno
In order to pay tribute to Antoine Alléno, his family and the world of gastronomy gathered in the collegiate church of Notre-Dame de Poissy.

© Marc Ausset-Lacroix

5/12 –

Yannick Alleno
As revealed by CNews, Yannick Alléno gave a moving speech to the assembly.

© Marc Ausset-Lacroix

6/12 –

Yannick Alleno
Yannick Alléno confided: « This death, this horror must be at the origin of a change, of the return of severity against the delinquency which is rampant. »

© Giancarlo Gorassini

7/12 –

Yannick Alleno
Yannick Alléno is in mourning.


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Yannick Alleno
Yannick Alléno is proud of his son.


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Yannick Alleno
Yannick Alléno said on Instagram that his son had done a lot despite his young age.

© JB Autissier

10/12 –

Yannick Alleno
Funeral of Antoine Alléno in the Notre-Dame de Poissy collegiate church, May 13, 2022.

© Christopher Clovis

11/12 –

Yannick Alleno
Yannick Alléno has lost his son.

© JB Autissier

12/12 –

Funeral of Antoine Alléno
Exit of the funeral of Antoine Alléno in the collegiate Notre-Dame de Poissy, May 13, 2022.

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