Les 12 coups de midi: Paul El Kharrat finally reveals what he did with his winnings

Les 12 coups de midi

Paul is one of the greatest midday masters with 153 appearances in the TF1 game. A feat that has also allowed him to be very rich. Indeed, at 20, Paul was already at the head of 691,522 euros in cumulative winnings and gifts thanks to the show! If in his place many would have been happy, this does not seem to be the case with Wiki Paul. Until then, someone with Asperger’s disease would have made only one major purchase. We tell you everything.

What happened to Paul after the game?

Viewers got to know him through the show hosted by Jean-Luc Reichmann in 2019. After 153 participations in the game, Paul was eliminated on a question of history – his favorite field! If the defeat is bitter, the student from Grenoble could nevertheless console himself with the idea that he won nearly 700,000 euros thanks to his very great culture.

This elimination does not mean the end of media coverage and the appearance on the small screen. Quite the contrary! Indeed, it seems that being on TV finally has more to Wiki Paul despite his illness. As a reminder, the young man is a victim of an autism spectrum disorder. This makes his social interactions painful. Not to mention his sensitivity to noise and light.

Still, Paul continued the television adventure. In addition to his appearances on the set of the interpreter of Léo Matteï in the eponymous series, the twenty-something is present on RTL. He is a member of Laurent Ruquier in the program “Les Grosses Têtes”. The least we can say is that the one who has meanwhile become a writer continues to impress with his encyclopedic knowledge.

The complicated filming of the « 12 noon shots »

If « Les 12 coups de midi » brought him glory and wealth, Paul does not keep only good memories. He also had the opportunity to talk about it on May 12 in “TPMP” during a report. The history buff spoke in particular of his difficulties in keeping up with the pace of filming.

“It’s five shows a day and about twenty a week. There is the intrinsic inconvenience to autism which is a difficulty in supporting a solicitation linked to noises, to light, to the public (…) It went well in the end even if there was a ras-le -bowl at the end of the filming sessions because I was very tired”, he confided, while evoking “moments of vacillation”.

In any case, his efforts were not in vain, for he was handsomely rewarded. Besides, what did he do with his winnings?

This « exceptional thing » he bought with his winnings

In this C8 report, Pau also confided in what he did with his winnings. Although it may come as a surprise to some, the 22-year-old spent nothing.

« I put them in the bank, I don’t touch them, » he revealed.

Well, almost, because Pau El Kharrat regularly makes small expenses. Also, his kitty also allowed him to buy an “exceptional thing”.

“I have a few small sums of money deposited in my account, with which I buy train tickets and buy books. The most exceptional thing I could do was buy myself a phone, ”he continued.

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The least we can say is that he is not the spendthrift type. Holy Paul!

Would the production have benefited him?

This is not the first time that Paul has returned to participation in the « 12 noon shots ». On June 10, 2021, Jean-Luc’s darling also indulged in a few secrets. And it is without language of wood that he expressed his doubts during an interview granted to TV Mag concerning the production of the game show.

“The production, I felt that it wanted me to win. I felt that she wanted to give me my chance, that she wanted me to stay in the game, to make myself known. It’s very kind of her, but these nudges that we can give you, even if it means harming the other candidates, it’s quite terrible, ”he said.

Is this really the case? We will probably never know. However, it was his knowledge that allowed him to answer the questions correctly. And you what do you think ?

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