Michel and Stéphanie Fugain separated: their daughter Marie balances on the indelicate attitude of her father

Michel and Stéphanie Fugain separated: their daughter Marie balances on the indelicate attitude of her father

Twenty years after the death of her little sister, Marie Fugain, the daughter of Michel Fugain confided to Gala this May 18 her regrets about the tragedy which affected her family and castigates the brutal choice of her father.

Family life is not a long calm river. Family Fugain is no exception to the rule. Twenty years ago, on May 18, 2002, Laurette Fugain, the youngest daughter of Michael Fugain passed away suddenly from leukaemia. A shock for his parents, but also his brother Alexis and his sister, Marie. The young woman was 28 at the time of the tragedy and remembers this ordeal, two decades later in the columns of Gala. In an interview with the media on May 18, Marie Fugain gives himself up, and evokes his very complicit relationship with Laurette: « My sister was one of my lungs […] I really lost a part of me, because my sister was part of my life and my construction.“, she explains.

A disappearance all the more difficult to live with as his parents, Michel Fugain and his wife Stéphanie, have collapsed. Very affected by the loss of their daughter, their couple did not survive. In addition to the separation, Marie especially deplores the attitude of the singer, who would have fled when his little brother was only nine years old: « I resented him for doing things the way he did. It wasn’t really done lightly or delicately, but he knows it very well.“, regrets the latter.

Marie Fugain: « My father preferred to leave, it was his choice »

The actress, now a mother of two, believes that she would have made another choice than the interpreter of « Do like the bird« : « There are men who are so afraid of death that when it roams around them, they’re almost afraid it’s contagious, so they run away. That’s what happened. Except that when there is a child, like my brother who was only nine years old, we have no choice. We have to keep his head above water and give him everything he doesn’t have.« , she analyzes again for Gala. Marie Fugain specifies that she has also returned to help her family through mourning. An effort that she would have liked to find with her father: « In these moments, we find each other, we get closer. My father preferred to leave, it was his choice.« . A resentment she expressed ten years later in her book, « Me, no one ever asked me how I was doing« .


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2/12 –

Marie Fugain
Marie Fugain remembered for Gala the choice of Michel Fugain during this event.


3/12 –

Marie Fugain
According to Marie Fugain, her father fled, leaving behind his wife, son and daughter.


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Marie and Laurette Fugain
Marie and her little sister Laurette Fugain were very close.


5/12 –

Laurette and Marie Fugain
Laurette lived with her older sister Marie. They were very complicit.


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Laurette, Michel and Marie Fugain
Laurette Fugain died at age 22 of leukemia.


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Marie, Michel, Alexis and Stephanie Fugain
Michel Fugain and his wife Stéphanie will not recover. They will eventually separate.


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Marie, Stephanie and Alexis Fugain
While Marie, Stéphanie and Alexis Fugain regroup, Michel Fugain is missing.


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Marie Fugain
Marie Fugain is 48 years old.


10/12 –

Marie Fugain
Marie Fugain goes horse riding, she took part in the Epona Festival in 2007.


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Stephanie and Marie Fugain
Stéphanie and Marie Fugain founded the Laurette Fugain association, which raises funds against leukemia.


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Marie Fugain
Marie Fugain is an actress for cinema and television.

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