Round-up. Here are the main conditions for entering and leaving Morocco

Round-up.  Here are the main conditions for entering and leaving Morocco

Here is a round-up of the measures collected from the Ministry of Health and the National Airports Office (ONDA) for international travel.

> What are the conditions required to enter the national territory?

The traveler wishing to go to Morocco, by any way (air or sea)must present:

– the passenger’s health form, to be downloaded online before boarding (also distributed on board the aircraft or ship), duly completed.

– the valid Covid-19 vaccination passport.


– the negative result of a PCR test of less than 72 hours (time between collection and registration).

> What is a valid vaccination passport?

According to the Ministry of Health, a valid vaccination passport means reception of three doses or, failing that, two doses, the administration time for the second of which does not exceed four months. For the J&J vaccine, a single dose is equivalent to two doses of the other vaccines.

> From what age is the vaccination pass required?

The vaccination pass is required from the age of 12.

> What are the access conditions for children?

– Children from 12 to 18 years old: valid vaccination pass WHERE negative result of a PCR test less than 72 hours old. A valid pass signifies receipt of two doses.

Children under 12 are exempt of any requirement.

> What about travelers in transit?

The above conditions are not applicable to travelers in transit in Morocco. The latter are required to comply with the health requirements of their country of final destination, we can read on the website of the airline Royal Air Maroc. The health requirements of the countries of departure, transit and destination can be consulted on this link.

> Is the classification of foreign countries according to their epidemiological situation still in force?

The classification that was in effect until the closure of the Moroccan borders in November 2021 has been abandoned. It was not mentioned in the travel protocol announced when the borders reopened on February 7. The conditions are therefore the same for all travelers, regardless of their country of origin.

As with the country lists, « no distinction has been made on the new travel protocol between Moroccans residing abroad, tourists, Moroccans or dual nationals ». These conditions are the same for all travelerstells us an official source.

> Are the random screening tests announced following the abandonment of systematic tests still in force?

Random screening tests were not mentioned in the new protocol, notes our source.

Below, the new health protocol to access Morocco, published on May 18 by the Ministry of Health.

> What are the conditions for leaving the national territory?

Regardless of the requirements of the destination countries, Moroccan travelers resident in Morocco and foreigners resident in Morocco must present a valid vaccination pass OR an anti-Covid-19 vaccination exemption certificate. They are IN ADDITION required to comply with health requirements of their countries of transit and final destination.

> Who is concerned by these conditions?

These conditions apply to Moroccan travelers residing in Morocco and foreigners residing in Morocco.

> What is a valid pass to leave Morocco?

The booster dose (D3) is mandatory if the second vaccine dose (or that of the single dose of the J&J vaccine) dates back more than four months. Beyond four months, travelers must take the third dose, otherwise the vaccine pass will no longer be valid.

– For people who have not received a booster dose and who have recently recovered from Covid-19, the third dose can only be administered after four weeks (28 days) from the date of infection. Thus, these people can leave the territory with:

. their old vaccination pass accompanied by a certificate of recovery or a negative PCR test;

. in addition to the PCR or rapid antigen test result documenting the last infection.

> What are the conditions for children leaving the national territory?

– For children from 0 to 12 years old, nothing is required.

– For children aged 12 to 18, a vaccination pass is required. Beyond the age of 18, they must refer to the protocol defined for adults.

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