this destructive phenomenon which is likely to happen very soon

this destructive phenomenon which is likely to happen very soon

More and more parts of the world are experiencing strong heat waves lately. Here are all the details on this phenomenon.

For weeks, sweltering heat has been sweeping India, Pakistan and other countries. And according to meteorologists, it is very likely that France will be hit by a heat wave, one of the most frightening meteorological phenomena!

summer heat wave

You should know that this extreme heat wave began to manifest itself at the beginning of March. We bring you more information about the current weather!

Weather: a threatening heat wave to come?

According to the world’s leading meteorological authority, climate change, largely due to the use of fossil fuels, has contributed to the increased frequency and severity of heat waves. And this, in all regions of the world, including France.

However, this is not the first time that this kind of disastrous situation has occurred! And for that, the French population must be careful in the face of rising temperatures!

As we told you, this is not the first time that bad weather has threatened France. As a reminder, the year 2003 was a horrible period which took everyone by surprise. No one saw this heat wave coming! Be aware that the same situation is likely to happen again with global warming which is becoming more and more alarming!

Reminder of the events that took place in 2003

During the summer of 2003, a high pressure system over Western Europe prevented precipitation. During the heat wave, which started in June and lasted until mid-August, temperatures were 20-30% above average.

The heat was particularly strong in France. Indeed, the temperature predicted by the weather forecast remained around 37°C for more than a week in several regions!

The intensity of the heat, as well as its duration, got the better of the unprepared European population.

The elderly have particularly suffered!

As well as the chronically ill or people isolated from sources of help. The disaster was one of the deadliest in Europe for a century! And yet, the weather forecasts announce the same threat which could fall on the country “soon”“.

The weather: The right things to do for the arrival of the next heat wave.

Heat is the leading cause of weather-related death. It kills by pushing the human body beyond its limits.

In extreme heat and high humidity, evaporation is slowed down and our body has to work extra hard to maintain a normal temperature!

The elderly, young children, and sick or overweight people are more likely to succumb to an extreme heat wave. It is therefore better to be better prepared!

heat wave

The weather is so unpredictable that we can expect the worst as well as the best at any time! And by preparing your home for the heat wave, you ensure your safety and that of your loved ones. And for that, make sure your fridges, freezers, fans and air conditioners are working properly! Make sure the air conditioning is set to cold. Most importantly, stock up on food for your family and pets. And also stock up on medicine!

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