natural tips to fix it

It’s sunny, it’s hot, we bring out our most beautiful outfits, and we spot the most beautiful terraces. However, although we love summer, there is something we could do without this season: thigh rubbing. Yes, yes, you see very well what we are talking about. That unpleasant feeling when walking.

Our thighs decide to meet and end up burning us with each contact. Sometimes, small, not very pretty pimples even appear, and as much to tell you, in addition to not being aesthetic, they are also uncomfortable. Thigh chafing can even end up ruining our summer, since we will stop wearing our most beautiful skirts or dresses to avoid this chafing. Well, that’s what happened before. Today we discovered a few small natural tricks for avoid chafing thighs in summer. spoiler : Your life will change !

What causes unpleasant thigh chafing in summer?

Our thighs rub, we know, we can’t miss the feeling it gives us. However, we do not always know what causes them. Why do our thighs get irritated in summer and not in winter? In fact, the answer is quite logical: heat. With the good weather and rising temperatures, we sweat, and our thighs also sweat. It is this perspiration that will cause us the little irritations that we would do well without. This is lodged in the folds, and when our two thighs come into contact, it will create a little friction. Clearly, this friction is inevitable if our thighs touch and spoil our trip. On the other hand, the irritations linked to this contact, they are avoidable, and here is how.

The unusual grandmother’s trick to avoid chafing thighs

If there are many people we can count on to change our lives thanks to sometimes unusual tricks, it is our grandmothers. These funny ladies always have the solution to our problems. The thigh rubbing are no exception to the rule. Indeed, according to them, there would be a miracle mixture to say goodbye to burns, and hello to the beautiful legs unveiled in the summer. The remedy: a mixture of green tea, aloe vera gel and lavender oil. EThey advise us to heat some water and pour it over a bag of green tea, in a cup. Leave to infuse for 3 minutes then take 4 tablespoons of tea and pour them into a bowl. Finally, just add a tablespoon of lavender oil and aloe vera gel (enough) to obtain a slightly thick consistency. With this recipe, we could finally get rid of irritated thighs and enjoy ultra hydrated legs.

Thighs that rub: how to limit this phenomenon?

You don’t want to put away your favorite dress? We understand. We’re not going to let our thighs win. The simplest solution? Opt for strategic underwear. There are very discreet little shorties that we can wear under our clothes. There are also adhesive patches that we can stick on our thighs to offer us invisible but highly appreciable comfort. In our bathroom, we also have a few small ingredients that can help us fight these frictions and let our legs roam fearlessly all summer long:

  • Fat creams. Vaseline or ultra moisturizing creams will be our allies to fight against friction. Because ? They will create a protective barrier on our skin to fight against irritation.
  • insulating creams. Some creams are designed to repair our skin while acting as a shield to avoid irritation during thigh friction.
  • coconut oil. If this oil has already been included in our beauty routine, we will also love it to avoid thigh chafing. Indeed, its lubricating action will allow our thighs to no longer meet and hurt us.
  • Body powder. In addition to giving us a fresh, glowing, but not oily complexion, the powder also exists for our body and we will love to make it a summer ally. By putting it on the thighs, you will create a small protective film to avoid irritation.
  • The deodorant. Thanks to its antiperspirant action, the deodorant can also be used between our thighs to avoid friction. Attention, it will be necessary to avoid those containing aluminum salts which can increase irritations.

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