Chloé Jouannet: weight gain, yoyo, bulimia… the daughter of Alexandra Lamy cash on her food concerns

Chloé Jouannet: weight gain, yoyo, bulimia… the daughter of Alexandra Lamy cash on her food concerns

While the second season of Derby Girl arrives this Friday, April 8 on France TV Slash, Chloé Jouannet spoke with great sincerity about her complexes related to her weight.

« It’s a long journey but it’s important to talk about it« . It is with great sincerity that Chloé Jouannet spoke of the complexes that gnawed at her when she was a teenager. While the second season of Derby Girl arrives on France TV Slash, the daughter of Alexandra Lamy was delighted to see that her series sent a positive image of the body of women. A subject dear to his heart. « With series like that that talk about weight, the body and that doesn’t make it a complex but a strength, if it can help some young women, that’s great, it’s really important, we need that. This is a subject that is very very important to me.“, she said this Friday, April 8 in front of the cameras of Buzz TV du Figaro.

It must be said that she herself was « very complexed« . »I did the yoyo with my weightI was one of those kind of teenagers who felt bad about themselves at times and it’s important to say that it’s normal, it’s adolescence, we go through this kind of thing – even beyond adolescence“, explains the niece of Audrey Lamy. And to detail: “I had periods of big weight gain, then suddenly weight loss. I had a bit of bulimia when i was much younger« . A situation which Chloé Jouannet obviously has « suffered« .

How Chloé Jouannet overcame her complexes

If the complexes always remain in a corner of his head, the actress can boast of having exceeded them, understanding in particular that she was far from being the only one to experience these inner doubts. « I took the sport as a pleasure instead of a constraint and we grew“, analyzes the daughter of Thomas Jouannet, who was « really helpedby social media. Seeing that even young women who she thought had perfect bodies also had complexes gave her a break. Since then, Chloé Jouannet « talks about it very openly but it’s important to remember that we are not alone. It’s part of life but it gets better“, she promises. Something to reassure young women who are going through this terrible period.


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© Denis Guignebourg

2/12 –

Chloe Jouannet
« It’s a long journey but it’s important to talk about it, » says Chloé Jouannet


3/12 –

Chloe Jouannet
Chloé Jouannet is delighted to see that her series « speaks of weight, of the body and which does not make it a complex but a force »


4/12 –

Chloe Jouannet
« If it can help a few young women, that’s great, it’s really important, we need that. It’s a subject that is very, very important to me, » says Chloé Jouannet


5/12 –

Chloe Jouannet
It must be said that she herself was « a lot complexed »


6/12 –

Chloe Jouannet
« I yoyoed with my weight (…) I had a little bulimia when I was much younger », details Chloé Jouannet

© Denis Guignebourg

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Chloe Jouannet
A situation from which Chloé Jouannet obviously « suffered »

© Denis Guignebourg

8/12 –

Chloe Jouannet
If the complexes always remain in a corner of her head, Chloé Jouannet can boast of having overcome them, understanding in particular that she was far from being the only one to experience these inner doubts.

© Denis Guignebourg

9/12 –

Chloe Jouannet
« I took sport as a pleasure instead of a constraint and we grew up », analyzes Chloé Jouannet

© Denis Guignebourg

10/12 –

Chloe Jouannet
Seeing on social media that even young women she thought had perfect bodies also had complexes that allowed her to break free


11/12 –

Chloe Jouannet and Sandor Funtek
Since then, Chloé Jouannet « talks about it very openly but it’s important to remember that we’re not alone. It’s part of life but it gets better », she promises


12/12 –

Audrey Lamy and Chloe Jouannet
Something to reassure young women who are going through this terrible period

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