LIVE – Shooting in Texas: the governor believes that the killing of Uvalde was committed by “a crazy person”

LIVE – Shooting in Texas: the governor believes that the killing of Uvalde was committed by “a crazy person”

‘This has gone on for too long’: Kamala Harris calls for ‘confronting the gun lobby’

« It’s a terrible day. » In the aftermath of the massacre that left 21 dead including 19 children in Texas, the vice-president of the United States Kamala Harris called for « having the courage to face the firearms lobby ».

« It’s been too long, it’s been too long, we have to have the courage to stand up to the gun lobby and put in place legislation to control guns, to build an America in which we would feel safe » she declared, adding: « it is our responsibility to all ».

Attacked by Biden, the pro-weapons lobby NRA denounces « the act of an isolated and disturbed criminal »

The powerful pro-weapons lobby NRA on Wednesday cleared itself of all responsibility in the appalling Texas massacre, denouncing « the act of an isolated and disturbed criminal ».

US President Joe Biden, « disgusted and tired » by these repeated shootings, had launched Tuesday evening: « When, for the love of God, are we going to face the gun lobby? »

Texas governor blames ‘mental health issues’

During the press conference he held on Wednesday concerning the Uvalde killings, the governor of Texas Greg Abbott used the argument put forward by the arms lobby across the Atlantic, according to which the responsibility for the killings of mass is the result of mental health issues in some communities.

« We have a mental health issue in this community, » he said, citing law enforcement. « I want to make sure everyone understands that mental health services are available. »

At no time did Greg Abbott cite possible gun regulation in the country.

Democrat Beto O’Rourke interrupts Texas governor’s press conference

As the Governor of Texas spoke about the Uvalde shooting, Democratic politician Beto O’Rourke interrupted the press conference.

« You are doing nothing to stop these massacres, » he said. He was then pushed out.

Beto O’Rourke had taken part in the Democratic primary to be the party’s candidate in the 2020 presidential election.

Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, Says Shooter ‘Has No Identified Mental Health Issues’

Greg Abbott, the Republican governor of the state of Texas, indicated during a press conference on Wednesday that « there was no warning, no message, which prevented this crime ».

Regarding the alleged 18-year-old shooter, « there was no identified mental health problem ». He nevertheless clarified that the shooter had announced on Facebook that he was going to « open fire in a primary school » shortly before committing his crime.

The governor of Texas denounces the killing of Uvalde, perpetrated by « a crazy person »

Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, is speaking from Uvalde, where the killings took place that killed 21 people on Tuesday.

« Evil was observed yesterday, anyone who kills someone must have evil in their hearts, » he first said. Then to add: « all Texans are in mourning, alongside the inhabitants of Uvalde, and the people have reason to be angry ».

For the governor, a fervent defender of the carrying of weapons, the killer was « a crazy person ».

The White House plans a visit by Joe Biden to Texas

As CNN reports, the White House is currently arranging for US President Joe Biden to visit Texas, the southern US state where the Uvalde shooting took place.

The details of this visit are still unknown, as are the places where Joe Biden will go.

The shooter legally purchased his guns and ammunition

As Texas State Senator John Whitmire told CNN, the suspected shooter in the shooting that killed 21 people in Texas on Tuesday legally purchased his guns and ammunition on May 17 and 20.

The chosen one, relying on the words of law enforcement, also indicated that on May 18, the suspect also bought hundreds of cartridges.

During the shooting, it appears that the alleged shooter dropped a backpack with several magazines full of ammunition near the entrance to the school.

Joe Biden again says he wants gun law

In a tweet published at the end of the afternoon, that is to say in the early hours of the day in the United States, the president of the United States Joe Biden once again returned to the need to legislate on access to weapons, after the Texas massacre.

“We know that common sense gun laws cannot and will not prevent all tragedies. But we know they work and have a positive impact. assault – mass shooting decreased. When the law expired – mass shooting tripled, » he wrote.

He had already mentioned the subject on Tuesday, only a few hours after the tragedy.

Pope Francis ‘prays for children and adults killed’

Pope Francis said he was « heartbroken » on Wednesday after the massacre that left 22 dead in an elementary school in Texas, including the killer, and denounced the « uncontrolled » arms trade.

« I am heartbroken by the massacre at an elementary school in Texas. I pray for the children and adults killed and their families. It’s time to say ‘enough’ to the uncontrolled arms trade, » he said. – he said after the general audience at the Vatican.

The governor of Texas caught up in his multiple pro-gun positions

In the aftermath of the death of 21 people, including 19 children, in a shooting perpetrated in a school in Texas, the governor of this state, Greg Abbott, finds himself in a paradoxical and, to say the least, uncomfortable position.

Fervent defender of the carrying of weapons, he had, in October 2015, posted on Twitter a message which today resonates cruelly.

« I’M EMBARRASSED: Texas is only second on the list of states for buying new firearms, behind CALIFORNIA. Texans, let’s pick up the pace, » he wrote shortly after his election.

>> Read our full article

Suspected shooter’s grandmother still alive

Speaking to CNN, Lt. Chris Olivarez said Salvador Ramos’ grandmother, who was targeted by the alleged shooter before he went to Robb Elementary School, was still alive.

Additionally, local authorities are also trying to locate her grandfather as well as the various members of her closest family.

All the victims were in the same classroom

In the aftermath of the killings that left 21 dead, including 19 children, in Uvalde, Texas, many questions still arise in order to understand the chronology of events. This Wednesday, Lt. Chris Olivarez, spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, gave more details about the shooting to CNN.

According to him, Salvador Ramos, the alleged killer, barricaded himself in a classroom in which he then opened fire, and where all the deaths occurred. During the shooting, the officers dispatched to the scene broke windows and tried to evacuate other children and staff before they could force their way into the classroom where the tragedy was taking place, he said. .

Regarding the investigation, the lieutenant assured that an investigation “with the FBI” is currently underway in order to go back to the days which preceded the shooting, but also to understand the way in which the young man obtained its material.

According to him, the shooter was wearing « a tactical vest without panels used by tactical teams, SWAT teams, where they can place magazines, additional ammo. »

The first victims identified

At least 19 children and two teachers were killed during of the shooting at Robb Elementary School. Quickly, photos of the children were shared on social networks, in particular by their families, sometimes accompanied by search messages, and gradually, for some, heartbreaking condolences.

Several of the victims have been identified. According to the information available at the moment, the schoolchildren affected were aged between 7 and 11, and were nearing the end of their school year.

>> Our detailed article

Three of the identified young victims of the Uvalde, Texas shooting.
Three of the identified young victims of the Uvalde, Texas shooting. ©Twitter; editing

Who is Salvador Ramos, the alleged perpetrator of the shooting?

According to the first elements of the investigation, the 18-year-old young man, alleged perpetrator of the shooting and who was ultimately killed during an exchange of fire with the police, is an American citizen and was studying at Uvalde high school. . Salvador Ramos would have first targeted his grandmother, before driving to school to carry out his massacre.

A photo circulated in local media shows a young man with shoulder-length brown hair, his face pale and expressionless.

Salvador Ramos, suspected gunman in Texas elementary school shooting where 19 students were killed.
Salvador Ramos, suspected gunman in Texas elementary school shooting where 19 students were killed. © BFM TV

According to Macron, France shares « the shock and the pain » of the American people

France shares the « shock and pain of the American people » as well as the « anger » of those who oppose the proliferation of firearms in the United States after the death of 19 children in a shooting in Texas, underlined Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday.

« 19 victims were as young as 10 years old. In their school in Texas, children and teachers were cowardly murdered. The shock and pain of the American people, the anger of those fighting to end the violence, we let’s share », said the French president in a tweet.

Joe Biden calls for gun control in the United States

On Tuesday, after the shooting, US President Joe Biden called for « turning this pain into action » to better regulate firearms in the United States.

“It is time to turn this pain into action for every parent, for every citizen of this country”, he launched from the White House, denouncing “those who prevent or push back or block common sense gun laws fire ».

What we know about the shooting

Late Tuesday morning, Salvador Ramos, an 18-year-old high school student in the town of Uvalde, Texas, rushed inside Robb Elementary School and opened fire in several classes.

According to the latest report, at least 21 people died: 19 minors and two teachers.

Before perpetrating this massacre, the teenager would have « shot his grandmother », according to the governor of Texas.

>> Read our full article

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