What you DON’T know about your dog’s ADOLESCENCE and how you could be STUCK in adolescent land

           Everyone knows that puppies are not easy to handle, and you’ve probably prepared well for the difficult first months of life with your new friend. There’s no denying that puppies are cute and a lot of fun, but they also bring messes, general chaos and occasional sleepless nights, which we often expect and accept because we know it won’t last forever.

Once you’ve learned to potty train your puppy, call him back, sleep through the night, etc., you may think you’ve got it made…. but your adorable, well-behaved puppy suddenly hits puberty. In other words: Your puppy is now a « teenager. » Just like their human counterparts, teenage dogs are very different: some may temporarily go off the rails, others may become a bit more anxious than usual, and still others remain stable and calm.

As with all things, it’s best to be well prepared and expect a few hiccups: It won’t last forever, and most importantly, your young dog will need your patience and support during this potentially delicate stage of development.

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