a gendarme from the PGHM who took part in the

a gendarme from the PGHM who took part in the

A new testimony five years after the disappearance of Mathieu Caizergues. In a video by Youtuber Rafu, a PGHM policeman who participated in the research, assures that Mathieu Caizergues is not in Mafate.

Will this new testimony allow the investigation to be relaunched? A new testimony is published on social networks, five years after the disappearance of Mathieu Caizergues.

In a video by Youtubeur Rafu who looks back on the « Incredible True Stories », a PGHM policeman who participated in the research, assures that Mathieu Caizergues is not in Mafate.

Watch Rafu’s full video below:

However, this 24-year-old mobile policeman disappeared on June 23, 2017, when he was hiking for the first time, in the circus, with another policeman and the husband of a colleague. He vanished on the way back between Roche-Plate and the summit of Maïdo where he was to join his two walking colleagues.

At the end of June 2017, Christophe Grange, gendarme at the PGHM in Reunion, is in charge of research on the first week of the disappearance of Mathieu Caizergues.

« I keep a margin of error, because we are not immune to having missed something, but I would say 99.99% that Mathieu was not in this sector there (from Mafate, editor’s note ), assures Christophe Grange.

Find here an extract of the testimony of Christophe Grange:

Christophe Grange: new element on the disappearance of Mathieu Caizergues

If he had been there, we would have found him. Maybe he left (from Mafate, editor’s note), that he pursued elsewhere, I don’t know, we have no information on that and I was not in charge of the investigation. But from a mountain rescue perspective, I don’t think he’s there.

Mathieu Caizergues has been missing for almost five years. His mother, Delphine Caizergues, continues to fight for the truth about her son’s disappearance.

« It confirms what we have been saying since the early days, namely that Mathieu is not in the Mafate circus »ensures on Réunion La 1ère, Delphine Caizergues who hopes that « the investigation be relaunched with this testimony ».

« We are coming to the end of this investigation and we have the right to know. The case is stallingshe continues. For five years, we have been fighting for action to be taken, such as seeing if Mathieu’s phone has been reactivated to find out where he could be. »

Watch his interview on Réunion La 1ère:

Testimony of Delphine Caizergues, mother of deceased Mathieu Caizergues

With the analysis of the phone, Delphine Caizergues hopes to learn more about the selfie that her son sent her just before his disappearance. He had a bump on his head and wrote « I didn’t fail ».

Analyzing his phone would allow us to know under what conditions this selfie that has challenged us from the start was taken.

Delphine Caizergues

The body of Mathieu Caizergues has never been found, despite the deployment of significant research resources in the days following his disappearance.

Two months later, in September, his disappearance is revived by the testimony of a family who would have seen him in the south of the island. The gendarme would have come to ask for water from a resident of Saint-Joseph. Subsequently, testimonies follow one another and doubt sets in.

Today, the mystery remains intact. On June 23, 2018, a year after the disappearance of Mathieu Caizergues, the Saint-Denis prosecution considers that the gendarme is officially deceased. After twelve months of research, justice and investigators are forced to admit that they have not the slightest lead to exploit.

The two men who accompanied him on this hike were indicted in this case for failure to assist a person in danger.

One of them had explained while in police custody that he had received a call from Mathieu Caizergues before leaving Maïdo. This one would have told him that everything was fine. They would have worried in the evening, noting that he had not returned.

The two men said they were unable to notify the emergency services quickly because their mobile phone batteries were discharged. Three hours passed between the moment of the disappearance and the call for help.

The Reunion gendarmerie group has multiplied the search. Helicopters, drones and dog teams have crisscrossed the terrain in recent years without obtaining the slightest result. Admittedly, the path that allows you to descend from Maïdo or to climb it is steep, but it is also very busy.

It is not uncommon for walkers to find glasses or a bag that has fallen from the hands of a walker. This inexplicable disappearance kept hope alive among those close to the gendarme. But in the absence of a body, the family of Mathieu Caizergues cannot resolve to the thesis of the fall.

« A criminal lead was considered by the Pontoise anti-crime unit, but was not investigated further by the Reunion gendarmerie and one wonders why, asks Delphine Caizergues.

We would like everything to be done before the trial to have our answers and so that the two people who accompanied Mathieu that day, if they are guilty of criminal acts, are punished for it.

With this testimony, the mother of Mathieu Caizergues awaits a relaunch of the investigation. “Perhaps the new judge in place will be able to help us get the answers we deserve and that she will take charge of this file”, concludes with sadness Delphine Caizergues.

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