A Varoise said she was close to death: reality TV candidates denounce the actions of a cosmetic surgeon

A Varoise said she was close to death: reality TV candidates denounce the actions of a cosmetic surgeon

On December 13, 2021, the Varoise Emilie Amar, an influencer who notably participated in the show Reality TV Angels 9appeared diminished on a video message broadcast on social networks.

Hospitalized and then followed by the infectiology department of Saint-Anne hospital following an injection to the buttocks carried out in a private Parisian clinic, she then said she was suffering a painful situation.

« The treatment damaged my liver and I have drug hepatitis“, she explains, while alerting to the dangers of these injections.

She then indicated that she weighed only 45 kg and had to eat 600-calorie protein drinks to regain her strength.

According to the young woman, the infection resulted of a staphylococcus« who would resist antibiotics »following a buttock injection« .

She would not be the only one to suffer this kind of medical disappointment.

« We are four [candidates de la téléréalité] in this case not to get out of it“, she assures. Between going back and forth to the hospital for five months and the treatment, her body is weakening.

In her video, Emilie Amar indicates that her body can no longer hold up under the effect of the drugs. « We don’t know how we’re going to proceed. The product, we cannot remove it (…). It’s not like hyaluronic acid that you inject into the lips and can remove« .

A second candidate, Luna Skye (Les Marseillais) had been hospitalized in the United States after using the same method, before being repatriated to France.

50,000 followers on Instagram

According to Le Parisien, after a long investigation, the cosmetic surgeon Benjamin Azoulay, known in the world of reality TV, is in turmoil.

The 41-year-old man who has had several love affairs with candidates has worked to redo the nose, breasts, buttocks of young women in the world of reality TV.

Followed by 50,000 subscribers on Instagram, he regularly exhibits photos of his patients.

The surgeon who works in the beautiful districts of the capital is implicated, according to Le Parisien, by six patients, including two starlets of reality TV, who would have suffered from serious complications, between 2014 and 2022, after operations.

They denounce, with supporting photos and medical examinations, « failed interventions« , « an inhuman doctor« , who « would operate in a daze »according to the survey of the national daily.

Already banned from practicing for two years

Benjamin Azoulay has already had to cease his activities between 2017 and 2018 after being sanctioned by the national disciplinary chamber of the Order of Physicians with a two-year ban on practicing, one of which is suspended for having repeatedly « violated medical secrecy and brought the profession into disrepute ».

He had let a famous Youtubeur film the intervention of several patients. At that time, in France, before the decree of December 22, 2020, advertising for medicine was prohibited.

A product injected into the muscles

Influencer Luna Skye, 26, seen on the reality show « Les Marseillais », sounded the alarm after injections of Hyacorp, a hyaluronic acid gel, aimed at shaping her buttocks.

The young woman said she had eight hospital stays, including two in intensive care. Because according to the MRI, the surgeon injected him with the product in the muscles, which can cause a fatal risk of embolism.

On her YouTube channel, the starlet told how she came to have this surgery, before the filming of W9, in June 2021.

She explains that she met the doctor during the birthday of one of her friends in Dubai, he then gave her injections in a bedroom of the villa in which she was.

« At the end of the summer, I started to have small purple spots and small balls“, she says in her video.

This is followed by nausea, insurmountable pain. While she is in the United States, she must be cared for and pays a high price.

Today, she is still not cured and talks about her discomfort on a daily basis.

Very « intimate » interventions

Le Parisien met other young women like Cindy, 26, whose nose operation did not go as planned, but also a 28-year-old ex-patient, who suffered a hemorrhage after a reduction of small vulva lips.

The reality TV candidate Maeva Ghennam had also sparked a controversy by praising this intimate operation on social networks.

« I think it’s super important to have a beautiful vagina. Like me, I’m lucky, I really have a nice vagina like, I don’t have lips sticking out, but you have to maintain it. So it’s too good. Like it’s like I’m 12 years old like »she announced.

What the doctor says: « I am not god »

On Thursday May 5, the day the Parisian investigation was published, Doctor Benjamin Azoulay posted a story on Instagram of a series of photos entitled « Vou are going to watch a demonstration of buttock injections« .

The cosmetic surgeon has responded to all the accusations that are brought against him, with the Parisian.

« I am not God. Complications are part of the job. There is not a surgeon who has not experienced complications in his career“, while specifying that he operated on more than 6,000 patients and that few had complications.

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