A well-known journalist breaks the silence and throws everything in the PPDA affair!

A well-known journalist breaks the silence and throws everything in the PPDA affair!

Gilles Bouleau, the famous TF1 journalist reveals everything about the PPDA affair in the flagship program of Laurent Ruquier and Léa Salamé.

PPDA: This Saturday, April 30, Gilles Bouleau was the guest of Léa Salamé and Laurent Ruquier in We are live. The opportunity for the TF1 journalist to react for the first time to the Patrick Poivre d’Arvor affair.

PPDA case

He says he didn’t know anything. Don’t worry, the editorial staff of People Act Magazine will tell you all about it. Are you ready ?

PPDA in big trouble

On February 18, our colleagues from Le Parisien, had launched a real bomb.

Indeed, in a long article, they announced that an investigation had been opened against Patrick Poivre d’Arvor for vi*l.

Since then, the former presenter of the 8 p.m. newspaper has been in turmoil. And a few days ago, the case took a few twists. In particular with the broadcast of the documentary PPDA: the fall of an untouchable, an issue of Complément d’Enquête.

During the investigation broadcast by France 2, damning testimonies followed one another on the personality of PPDA. To date, no less than 17 complaints, including 8 for rape, have been filed against him.

So inevitably, when Gilles Bouleau is invited on the set of France 2, the subject is discussed.

As a reminder, the journalist arrived at TF1 in 1986, a year before Patrick Poivre d’Arvor was in charge of the 8 p.m. newspaper.

Gilles Bouleau affirms that he was aware of nothing.

On the set of “We are live”, Léa Salamé and Laurent Ruquier decide to make Gilles Bouleau react on the case. The presenter then asked him if the charges against Patrick Poivre d’Arvor were worrying for TF1.

The journalist then answered no: I think it was a very long time ago. Petit deux, I think that the protagonists of the time are no longer there. I think there are a lot of people who were in the newsroom, like me, who didn’t know.

In the rest of his remarks, Gilles Bouleau drives the point home even more.

Indeed, the journalist believes that he has no interest in protecting Patrick Poivre d’Arvor.

He also assures that he has never had knowledge of such a case: I was not aware. I have no reason to lie or hide. I have neither animosity nor protection to bring to PPDA: I did not know. It’s clear.

Patrick Poivre d’Arvor does not let himself be done

Patrick Poivre d’Arvor is more than ever in turmoil.

But for the moment, he is not the subject of any condemnation.

Moreover, the journalist does not let it go.


Indeed, a few days before the broadcast of Complément d’Enquête, he had himself filed a complaint with civil action for slanderous denunciation.

It describes a return to puritanism and censorship, cleverly adorned with the supposed protection of women. It remains to be seen now, how all this will end for the former presenter of the television news. Case to follow!

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