After the fire, the momentum of solidarity with Johnny’s fan in Molène

After the fire, the momentum of solidarity with Johnny's fan in Molène

« Honestly, we were hot, and this, without pun intended », warns Erwan Masson, referring to the fire in his mother’s pavilion, Monday April 4, around 7:30 a.m., on Molène Island (29) . “We were in the living room when mum, 87, heard the sound of crackling in her bedroom. If she hadn’t heard the noise, we would have died, ”says the man whose face still bears the slight marks of the fire.

The house completely destroyed

“When I appeared in the room, I felt like I was in an oven, continues the Molénais. Like a good Breton, my mother wanted to fight the flames with a pan of water in order to save her husband’s photos. I picked up mom in extremis. And afterwards, I said to myself:  »if I don’t go out, I die »”. So I backed down from a much more powerful enemy. An enemy who completely destroyed the house.

All I have left is a pair of cowboy boots, boxer shorts and a sailor top

In the pavilion, the president of the Breton fan club of Johnny Hallyday had religiously stored the 4,000 to 5,000 objects related to the singer: a thousand albums, three guitars autographed by Johnny, clothes and cowboy boots worn by the star , goodies… “Everything went up in smoke, laments the Molénais. I thought to myself that Johnny had died a second time and this time, I had the impression of having died with him. The loss is priceless. Everything burned, especially those photos of Johnny and me at Les Vieilles Charrues in 2006. But I’m alive, still standing, and so is my mother. The only thing I was able to save was my cell phone. Otherwise, I only have a pair of cowboy boots, boxer shorts and a marinière left. »

From left to right: Claudie Corolleur, first deputy, Erwan Masson and the mayor of Molène, Didier Delhalle
From left to right: Claudie Corolleur, first deputy, Erwan Masson and the mayor of Molène, Didier Delhalle (Photo Frédéric Le Bousse)

Solidarity and messages of encouragement

Currently living with his uncle, in the company of his mother, the Molénais can however count on the support of the islanders. “I get a lot of help. Island solidarity takes on its full meaning here. Everyone is on top. The people of Molène bring us clothes, food, a computer…”. Erwan Masson also received hundreds of messages from Johnny fans across France. « Messages that say to me: ‘Courage, we’re here’, ‘We’ll never forget everything you’ve done for Johnny’… »

This link between islanders that we no longer saw on Molène has reappeared

“This fire and this surge of solidarity have reconciled many people on the island, assures Erwan Masson. They saw a cradle in Molène, the house of my parents, Robert and Cécile, go up in smoke. In a way, they saw Molène burning and a little them, too. Molène has 150 inhabitants in winter, of which a hundred were present around the house on fire. Craftsmen, fishermen, postman… Everyone was there. This link between islanders that we no longer saw on Molène reappeared that day. But this fire must serve as a shield because, really, we did not have the equipment and the means necessary to fight against the flames. »

The town hall in support

“Not being an islander by origin, I am very impressed by this solidarity, testifies the mayor of Molène, Didier Delhalle. Everyone sticks to it to lend a hand. The town hall has set up two carts in the island’s convenience store where customers can drop off products for the victims. A kitty has also been put online.

“This fire and this surge of solidarity have reconciled many people on the island.  Craftsmen, fishermen, postman… Everyone was there”, testifies Erwan Masson
“This fire and this surge of solidarity have reconciled many people on the island. Craftsmen, fishermen, postman… Everyone was there”, testifies Erwan Masson (Photo Frédéric Le Bousse)

We will rebuild the house for my mother

“We are going to rebuild the house for my mother, announces Erwan Masson. Without this house, mom is lost. I have to do it for my father, because he was the one who built it, between 1975 and 1978”. And the Molénais to conclude with his very own style: “Mom gave me life; I saved his life. What a beautiful flashback”.

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