Alain Delon: the revelations of his son Anthony on the last wishes of the star

Alain Delon: the revelations of his son Anthony on the last wishes of the star

Friday May 13, 2022, Anthony Delon was a guest on the show L’heure des Pros, on CNews. During this interview, the actor spoke of the last wishes of his father, Alain Delon.

Touching secrets… In full promotion of his biography, Between dog and wolfpublished by Editions du Cherche-Midi, Anthony Delon visited Pascal Praud’s set on Friday May 13, 2022. In Time for the Pros, on CNews, the actor revealed that his father was now at peace. After the journalist broadcast a recent video where Anthony Delon appears alongside his father, Alain, the actor confided: « This video we made together, I like it. I love this video. Yes, he is his age, but there is no longer this claim, this frown, this man ready to go into battle… There is something peaceful, serene, I find. There is a tenderness in this video. » Moved, the companion of Sveva Alviti added: « He is as handsome as a man of his age.« 

Referring to this day spent with his father, Anthony Delon recalled: « That day, we talked about a lot of things and I said to him: ‘What would you like today?’ There are two things. The film: ‘I would like to make one last film.’ And he will definitely do it! And then he said to me: ‘I would like to fall in love.’ He had already said it in Paris Match a few years ago (…) There, he said to me: ‘I would like to have a woman in my life. I would like to fall in love, I would like to share.’ He wants to meet a woman.Humorously, the actor added:Afterwards, he gave me a little Delon, saying to me: ‘I have a list of contenders.’ But that’s when we got home! There was this sincere moment, he wanted to meet someone, to share, to love.« 

Alain Delon: who are the women in his life?

If at 86, Alain Delon is single, he appeared on the arm of many women. After having lived a romance with Romy Schneider for four years, it was in 1962 that he met Nathalie, the only woman he would marry, in 1964. After four years of living together, the couple finally divorced. For fifteen years, between 1968 and 1983, Alain Delon formed a couple with Mireille Darc. After having lived a brief idyll with Dalida, the actor was in a relationship for fifteen years with the model Rosalie van Breemen.


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© CNews

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Anthony Delon
Anthony Delon revealed that his father was now at peace.

© CNews

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Anthony Delon
After the journalist released a recent video where Anthony Delon appears alongside his father, Alain, the actor confided, « This video we did together, I love it. I love this video. »

© CNews

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Anthony Delon
Friday May 13, 2022, Anthony Delon was a guest on the show L’heure des Pros, on CNews.


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Anthony Delon
Anthony Delon believes that his father is now at peace.

© Veeren -Christophe Clovis

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Anthony Delon
Moved, the companion of Sveva Alviti added: « He is handsome like a man of his age. »

© Veeren -Christophe Clovis

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Anthony Delon
Anthony Delon recalled: « That day we talked about a lot of things and I said to him, ‘What would you like today?’ There are two things. The film: ‘I would like to make one last film.’ And he definitely will! And then he said to me, ‘I would like to fall in love.' »

© LaPresse

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Anthony Delon
Anthony Delon added: « Afterwards he made me a little Delon by saying to me: ‘I have a list of contenders.’ But that’s when we got home! »


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Alain Delon and his son Anthony
Alain Delon and his son Anthony get along much better today.

© Christopher Clovis

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Anthony Delon
Anthony Delon is very close to his father.


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Anthony Delon
Anthony Delon signs his book « Entre chien et loup » at the Publicisdrugstore bookstore in Paris, April 21, 2022.


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Anthony Delon
Anthony Delon said his father wanted to find love.

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