Alexandra Rosenfeld: these physical consequences that she has long kept from Miss France

Alexandra Rosenfeld: these physical consequences that she has long kept from Miss France

This Thursday, April 7, Alexandra Rosenfeld publishes her book My method of well-being (Ed. Robert Laffont) during which she returns in particular to her past as Miss France and to the hidden side of her coronation year.

In 2006, Alexandra Rosenfeld swapped her sneakers for stiletto heels. A great sportswoman, the one who was then barely major knew a real upheaval in her life. On December 5, 2005, Alexandra Rosenfeld was crowned Miss France 2006. « At that time, a new chapter opened for me : no more sneakers, place for H 24 heels. I left a village of two thousand inhabitants to find myself projected on the set of Marc-Olivier Fogiel, live, just a few hours after receiving the crown“, says the main interested party in her book My wellness method (Ed. Robert Laffont) published this Thursday, April 7. But very quickly, Alexandra Rosenfeld was confronted with a problem that she did not see coming: recurring pain.

« I was young, sporty, enduring, and yet my body very quickly began to suffer« , she laments, before analyzing: « He was undergoing my radical life change and lived under permanent stress.. He quickly gave me warning signs, frequent back pain« . Worse, I can’t get rid of this pain forever.. If the physiotherapists and osteopaths she consulted relieved her at the time, « the pains always come back« . »Afterwards, I understood that it was not only physical but that it was much deeper. My shoulders were just struggling to support my new life“, believes this mother of two children.

How did Alexandra Rosenfeld manage to heal from her pain?

She then tried yoga, hoping to regain control of her life. « I tried a course, I hated it« , laughs the one who is now a yoga teacher. For several years, Hugo Clément’s companion therefore favored combat sports. « It was what suited me, I needed it. At the same time – even if it took me a bit of time – I ended up adapting to my new life as a young Parisian. I built an environment, I chose my entourage, healthy and reassuring. I opened myself up to art, gastronomy, theatre… I felt good, I felt free“, she details. But her back pain didn’t leave her. She tried yoga again, wanting  » try to alleviate [ses] back pain« . This time was the right one. Alexandra Rosenfeld was finally ready to fully experience this discipline. And it paid off. »Yoga cured me of back pain and became my ally« , she says. One thing is certain: her Miss France adventure, Alexandra Rosenfeld will remember it!


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2/12 –

Alexandra Rosenfeld
On December 5, 2005, Alexandra Rosenfeld was crowned Miss France 2006


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Cindy Fabre and Alexandra Rosenfeld
« At that time, a new chapter was opening for me: no more sneakers, place for H 24 heels », says Alexandra Rosenfeld


4/12 –

Alexandra Rosenfeld
And to outbid: « I left a village of two thousand inhabitants to find myself projected on the set of Marc-Olivier Fogiel, live, just a few hours after receiving the crown »


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Alexandra Rosenfeld
But very quickly, Alexandra Rosenfeld was confronted with a problem that she did not see coming: recurring pain

© Pierre Perusseau

6/12 –

Alexandra Rosenfeld
« I was young, sporty, enduring, and yet my body very quickly began to suffer », laments Alexandra Rosenfeld


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Alexandra Rosenfeld
And to analyze: « He underwent my radical life change and lived in permanent stress. He quickly gave me warning signs, frequent back pain »


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Alexandra Rosenfeld
If the physiotherapists and osteopaths she consulted relieved her at the time, « the pain always ended up coming back »


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Alexandra Rosenfeld
Alexandra Rosenfeld – Preview of the film « Samba » at the Gaumont Champs-Elysées Marignan in Paris for the association « Cé Ke du Bonheur » in Paris on October 14, 2014.


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Alexandra Rosenfeld
« A posteriori, I understood that it was not only physical but that it was much deeper. My shoulders simply had difficulty supporting my new life », estimates Alexandra Rosenfeld

© Jacovids

11/12 –

Alexandra Rosenfeld
It was many years later that Alexandra Rosenfeld managed to get rid of these back pains, thanks to yoga


12/12 –

Marine Lorphelin and Alexandra Rosenfeld
« Yoga cured me of back pain and became my ally », assures Alexandra Rosenfeld, who will long remember her coronation of Miss France

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