and now, photos of Boris Johnson toasting during confinement – ​​Liberation

and now, photos of Boris Johnson toasting during confinement – ​​Liberation

The British media ITV News published several photos on Monday afternoon showing the British Prime Minister having a drink during a festive event during the November 2020 confinement. These first photos since the start of the affair weaken it even more.

Will this be the final nail in the coffin of “partygate”, this affair of aperitifs organized in full confinement at 10 Downing Street, which has been pursuing British Prime Minister Boris Johnson for months? In any case, it is a revelation that has caused quite a stir across the Channel. The British media ITV News published several photos on Monday afternoon showing the British Prime Minister having a drink during a festive event in Downing Street during the November 2020 confinement.

More precisely, these photos would have been taken on November 13, 2020, during a drink organized for the departure of Lee Cain, the former director of communications for the Prime Minister. We see Boris Johnson toasting with several guests, without a mask or apparent respect for barrier gestures, around a table where at least six bottles are arranged. Footage clean to confirm claims that Johnson was lying when he told MPs more than a year later that all anti-Covid rules had been followed in Downing Street and people were then following the rules . Statements he had made several times before parliament.

Problem: After a long investigation, the police decided to impose a fine on April 12 on Boris Johnson for breaching anti-Covid restrictions, after his participation in a surprise party for his 56th birthday in June 2020. He is thus becoming the first incumbent British head of government sanctioned for breaking the law. “I have paid the fine and I fully apologize. I want to continue to carry out the mandate entrusted to me in order to solve the problems facing the country”, he pleaded following this decision. This did not prevent British MPs from opening a parliamentary inquiry to determine whether the British Prime Minister knowingly misled them in his explanations in the « partygate » affair.

“The rules were followed all the time”

Labor MP Catherine West had asked Boris Johnson directly about this date of November 13, 2020. “Can the Prime Minister tell us if there was a party in Downing Street on November 13?had questioned the parliamentarian, on December 8th. “No, but I’m sure that regardless, the rules were followed all the time”, replied Boris Johnson. Former Labor adviser Tom Hamilton mischievously notes on Twitter that Boris Johnson can still argue that he responded « Nope » to the party “Can the Prime Minister tell us” rather than that “was there a party” of the question. A defense that would be convoluted to say the least.

On that infamous 13th November 2020, the Metropolitan Police revealed in their statement last week announcing the end of the ‘partygate’ investigation, that at least one fine had been issued in relation to an event in Downing Street That day. Without specifying the total number of fines drawn up on this occasion or whether Boris Johnson was or was not one of the people fined.

Anyway, the revelation of these photos did not fail to cause strong reactions. “These images clearly show, as the police investigation has concluded, that parties did take place in Downing Street during the lockdown, and that the Prime Minister was there. It’s disgustingt, tance Ian Blackford, the leader of the Scottish National Party at Westminster. It is truly a shame that Tory MPs are keeping him in Downing Street – he is belittling the job he holds. This charlatan should be a former prime minister by now.” “According to the Prime Minister, he was ‘unaware’ of five bottles of wine and an empty spirits bottle [disposées devant lui sur les photos, ]. He broke the rules, dishonored the office, and took us all for fools. He should do the right thing and quit. »writes on Twitter David Lammy, deputy and foreign minister of Labour’s shadow cabinet.


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