Brittany Day 2022 in the 14th in Paris

Brittany Day 2022 in the 14th in Paris

By Caroline J. Posted May 2, 2022 3:48 PM

The Fête de la Bretagne returns to the 14th arrondissement of Paris from Friday May 13 to Sunday May 22, 2022. For more than a week, the Breton Mission offers many appointments in the different districts of the 14th arrondissement: music, dance, walks , cinema, storytelling and gastronomy… There is something for everyone. This is the program!

Brittany’s Daythe famous Gouel Breizhannounces its big comeback in the 14th district of Paris. Of Friday 13 to Sunday 22 May 2022a program rich in entertainment awaits you, just to immerse yourself in the very rich Breton culture.

At the heart of this project, we find the Breton Mission – Ti ar Vretoned which, throughout the year, with its members and volunteers, does daily work in the service of Breton culture and its influence!

The program for the Fête de la Bretagne 2022 in the 14th :

  • Friday May 13 – 8:30 p.m.
    Launch party with Sklaeren, L’Improviconteuse: a funny and improvised show by Sklaerenn around the great moments of the Breton Mission.
    Location and price: Mission Bretonne, free
  • Saturday May 14 – 3 p.m.
    The Goadec sisters, lecture by Roland Becker: how three sisters from the Center of Brittany became legendary singers.
    Location and price: Mission Bretonne, free
  • Saturday May 14 – 7 p.m.
    Great fest-noz of the Fête de la Bretagne, with Spontus, Roland Becker and Alain Letenneur, Ile-de-France groups. There is also a bar and pancakes on site.
    Location and prices: Village hall of the 14th arrondissement town hall, €12 on site, €10 soon on presale at the Mission Bretonne or Internet
  • Sunday May 15 – 3 p.m.
    Why a Brittany with 5 departments? : a round table with geographers, economists and associations working for the reunification of Brittany.
    Location and price: Wedding hall of the 14th arrondissement town hall, free
  • Monday, May 16 – 8:30 p.m.
    Carte blanche to Kenleur IdF: Alan Pierre. Do not miss this conference of the famous and appreciated specialist in Breton dance around his book  » Breton dance « .
    Location and info: Village hall of the 14th arrondissement town hall, free
  • Tuesday, May 17 – 8:30 p.m.
    Anne Auffret in concert (harp and vocals)
    Location and price: Mission Bretonne, free participation

Brittany Day 2018 in the 14th in Paris

Brittany Day 2018 in the 14th in Paris
Brittany Day 2018 in the 14th in Paris
Brittany Day 2018 in the 14th in Paris

  • Wednesday, May 18 – 2 p.m.
    Tales for children and those who accompany them. Marie-Aline Pouteau will captivate you with her stories and her music.
    Info and price: Benoite Groult Library, free (upon registration with the library)
  • Wednesday, May 18 – 4 p.m.
    Introduction to Breton dances for children, by Sylvie Minard, dance teacher at the Mission Bretonne, who masters the pedagogy adapted to these ages.
    Location and price: Esplanade Edgar Quinet, free
  • Wednesday May 18 – 8:30 p.m.
    Conference: The Grenadiers of the States General. In the program ? A gesticulated conference, e brezhonegpeurliesañ (and a little in French anyway), by Gaël Billien.
    Location and price: Mission Bretonne, free
  • Thursday May 19 – from 6 p.m.
    Crep’Noz: crepe festival in the Edgar Quinet district. In the program ? Musical entertainment in the streets of the district, including creperies, a concert, the unmissable fest-noz, and Breton stands. Find on this occasion Dastum for the launch of the year of its 50th anniversary.
    Location and price: Quartier Edgar Quinet, free

  • Thursday May 19 – from 8:30 p.m.
    Lellig, concert by Annie Ebrel-quartet; a show in the footsteps of Anjela Duval, with a setting to music of the poems of the famous Trégorroise poetess.
    Location and price: Boulevard Edgar Quinet, free
  • Friday, May 20 – 8:30 p.m.
    Cinema in Breton, with the screening of two films with subtitles:
    • Me zo ganet e kreiz ar mor, a film by Emmanuel Roy
    • Paotred al loc’h, by Ronan Hirrien

Location and price: Mission Bretonne, free participation

  • Saturday May 21 – 8:30 p.m.
    Day in Gallo, introduction to Gallo.
    Location and price: Mission Bretonne, free
  • Sunday May 22 – 10 a.m.
    Storytelling and singing walk through the district with, at each break, stories and songs from Brittany.
    Location and price: meet at 10 a.m. in front of the 14th arrondissement town hall, return around 12 p.m. to the Mission Bretonne for a picnic brought by everyone, 6€ on registration
  • Sunday May 22 – 3 p.m.
    Closing festival, with singers and musicians from the Breton Mission and the Ile-de-France Breton scene.
    Location and price: Mission Bretonne, free

So, are we having a nice Breton party, friends?

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