Cannes 2022: Marion Cotillard, ultra sexy in Chanel, reveals her buttocks on the red carpet

Cannes 2022: Marion Cotillard, ultra sexy in Chanel, reveals her buttocks on the red carpet

This Friday, May 20, Marion Cotillard was back on the Cannes Film Festival red carpet. The actress had come to present the film Frère et Soeur by Arnaud Desplechin, in official competition. For the occasion, the wife of Guillaume Canet wore a total black look and even gave a glimpse of her buttocks during the traditional climb of the steps.

The stars continue to parade on the Croisette. This Friday, May 20, it was the turn of the film crew Siblingdirected by Arnaud Desplechin, to parade on the red carpet of the Cannes film festival. We were thus able to find the two main actors of the feature film, Melvil Poupaud and Marion Cotillard. The 46-year-old actress was already present last year for the screening of the thread Annette of Leos Carax, a musical in which she gave the reply to Adam Driver. But this time, she came to defend a 100% French work, the first of this 75th edition.

For this climb of the steps, Marion Cotillard was also accompanied by actors Patrick Timsit and Benjamin Siksou, also in the cast of the film. And all had bet on sobriety for this premiere. No dress for Marion Cotillard but a beautiful one black playsuit signed Chanelshort enough to highlight her sublime legs and her silhouettebut also for glimpse her buttocks when she climbed the famous steps of the festival. Also note the hint of transparency on the sleeves which added a little sexy side to her look.

Selfies and autographs for Marion Cotillard

For this event which she is now used to, Marion Cotillard seemed very comfortable. Barely arrived near the palace, the companion of Guillaume Canet went to the many fans present behind the barriers and lent herself to the game of selfies and autographs. She then walked into the screening room with the entire film crew, who were greeted with a round of applause upon their arrival. An audience in which were found in particular Xavier Dolan, Rossy de Palma, president of the jury of the Golden Camera, all dressed in pink, or even Ladj Ly.

In the movie Sibling, Marion Cotillard plays Alice, an actress. Facing her Louis, her brother, who was a teacher and a poet. Both are in their late fifties, but Alice has hated her brother for over twenty years. They haven’t seen each other for all this time – when Louis ran into the sister by chance in the street, she didn’t greet him and ran away… The brother and sister will meet again when their parents die. parents.


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Marion Cotillard
This Friday, May 20, the team of the film Brother and Sister, directed by Arnaud Desplechin, marched on the red carpet.


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Marion Cotillard
We were able to find the two main actors of the feature film, Melvil Poupaud and Marion Cotillard.


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Marion Cotillard
Marion Cotillard was already present last year for the screening of Annette from Les Carax, a musical comedy in which she gave the reply to Adam Driver. But this time, she came to defend a 100% French work, the first of this 75th edition.


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Marion Cotillard
For this climb of the steps, Marion Cotillard was also accompanied by actors Patrick Timsit and Benjamin Siksou, also in the cast of the film.


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Marion Cotillard
And all had bet on sobriety for this premiere.


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Marion Cotillard
No dress for Marion Cotillard but a beautiful black playsuit signed Chanel, short enough to highlight her sublime legs and her silhouette


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Marion Cotillard
We also got a glimpse of her buttocks when she climbed the famous steps of the festival


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Marion Cotillard
Also note the hint of transparency on the sleeves which added a little sexy side to her look.


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Marion Cotillard
For this event which she is now used to, Marion Cotillard seemed very comfortable.


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Marion Cotillard
Barely arrived near the palace, Marion Cotillard headed towards the many fans present behind the barriers and lent herself to the game of selfies and autographs.


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Marion Cotillard
Marion Cotillard then went to the screening room with the entire film crew, who were greeted with a round of applause upon their arrival.

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