Carla Bruni and cosmetic surgery: her ex Louis Bertignac swings on her operation

Carla Bruni and cosmetic surgery: her ex Louis Bertignac swings on her operation

In his autobiographical book, Jolie petite histoire, Louis Bertignac was not kind to Carla Bruni. Indeed, he swings on a subject that she would have liked to keep to herself: her cosmetic surgery operation.

Louis Bertignac confides in an open heart in an autobiographybaptized Nice little story. On this occasion, the former member of the Telephone group confided in our colleagues from TV Star in an interview published on May 2. Thus, the singer did not hesitate to confide in his private life and his love stories, like the one shared with Carla Bruni. In his book, the musician returns to his relationship with the wife of Nicolas Sarkozy. In the book, it is then revealed a surgery performed by the former First Lady : « I saw Carla again, she came back from the States, she is hot, she had her nose done »:

Not tender with Carla Bruni, Louis Bertignac drives the point home a little more : « Carla grew up in a world of billionaires, surrounded by domestic workers and without being aware of things. She had problems as a little rich girl. If she had the slightest pimple on her cheek, she hid in the bedroom. » From now on, between the former lovers, relations have fortunately been arranged! « I was at the bottom of the hole. She and Nicolas Sarkozy were really nice », notably mentioned the musician, who had returned to the relationship that made him suffer the most: the mother of his two daughters.

Confidences about drugs

Louis Bertignac also returned to his drug use: « A lot of people who gravitate around rock get high. I was afraid of looking stupid to refuse and I took it. The only thing I liked was the hero. I don’t I was not like the others, a small dose was enough for me. It calmed me down. Today, I am naturally. That’s why I stopped ». Cash secrets for a musician who left himself to many secrets about his private life.


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© Christopher Clovis

2/12 –

Louis Bertignac
On this occasion, the former member of the Telephone group confided in our colleagues from Télé Star in an interview published on May 2.


3/12 –

Louis Bertignac
Thus, the singer did not hesitate to confide in his private life and his love stories, like the one shared with Carla Bruni.


4/12 –

Louis Bertignac
In his book, the musician returns to his relationship with the wife of Nicolas Sarkozy. In the book, it is then revealed a surgery performed by the former First Lady.

© Jeremy Melloul

5/12 –

Louis Bertignac
« I saw Carla again, she came back from the States, she is hot, she had her nose done »:

© Denis Guignebourg

6/12 –

Carla Bruni Sarkozy
Not tender with Carla Bruni, Louis Bertignac drives the point home a little more.

© Backgrid UK

7/12 –

Carla Bruni Sarkozy
« Carla grew up in a universe of billionaires, surrounded by domestic workers and without being aware of things. »


8/12 –

Louis Bertignac
« She had little rich girl problems. If she had the slightest pimple on her cheek, she would hide in the bedroom. »


9/12 –

Louis Bertignac
From now on, between the former lovers, relations have fortunately been arranged!


10/12 –

Louis Bertignac
« I was at the bottom of the hole. She and Nicolas Sarkozy were really nice », notably mentioned the musician, who had returned to the relationship that made him suffer the most: the mother of his two daughters.

© Christopher Clovis

11/12 –

Louis Bertignac
Louis Bertignac also returned to his drug use: « A lot of people who gravitate around rock get high. I was afraid of looking stupid to refuse and I took some. »


12/12 –

Louis Bertignac
« The only thing that I liked was the hero. I was not like the others, a small dose was enough for me. It calmed me down. Today, I am naturally so. That’s why that I quit. » Cash secrets for a musician who left himself to many secrets about his private life.

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