Caroline (Married at first sight) as a couple? An unexpected photo leaked…She speaks out

Mariés au premier regard : Caroline, furax, atomise les experts et la prod’, aïe ça pique

Season 6 fans of Married at first sight know that it was never crazy love between Axel and Caroline. Nor between the latter and the experts elsewhere. But, Estelle Dossin and Pascal de Sutter cannot succeed in their compatibility every time. In any case, their story is well and truly over. Just started and already finished. Since their divorce, it seems that these animal lovers have found love on their own. Here are the pictures we found of the vegan’s new boyfriend.

Caroline and Axel (Married at first sight) are no longer single!

Since the start of the broadcast of episodes of Married at first sight broadcast on the channel M6, we can say that the experts have quite succeeded in their compatibility, except in the case of Caroline and Axel. Indeed, the young woman never fell in love with her husband who was shorter than her and who consumed chocolate powder every morning… An unacceptable thing for this vegan who does not buy any big brand that pollutes the planet. Conversely, Axel had been amazed by this sparkling brunette. Despite her efforts, she remained on her first opinion. Everyone went back to their mountain with their dogs. Despite their 80% compatibility, sometimes the alchemy doesn’t work. So, it is not necessarily the fault of the experts of the emission of Married at first sight. The latter can always be reassured with the other couples who seem to be working well.

carolina Married at first sight has she finally found true love?

In any case, from the start, Caroline de Married at first sight received the wrath of the Web. Indeed, Internet users have not spared it on social networks. They judged that she was not trying hard enough with her husband and that she was superficial. To defend herself, she turned her anger against the production, the experts and even her former husband. Despite this somewhat complicated passage for her, she quickly got back into the saddle. Indeed, apparently, loneliness is no longer part of her daily life since she has found something that suits her. According to information from blogger Aqababe, the vegan candidate of Married at first sight hasn’t been single since filming ended. In his story instagramAqababe revealed: “Oops preview! Caroline de MAPR again in a relationship with a mysterious stranger who is not Axel ». Indeed, he shared pictures that show Caroline kissing a young man. We can note that he is taller than her and that he is not bearded…

The vegan confirms!

So fans of Married at first sight can’t wait to get to the end of the season to watch the special episode  » What have they become « . Indeed, once the adventure is over, the channel gives news of the candidates some time later to announce whether they are still married or not. But, no need to wait any longer for Caroline who was kind enough to clarify the rumors. Indeed, she told our colleagues of Entertainment TV that his life had changed since the broadcast. “Yes, I will be seen. I’ll let you know. » It also specifies: « The ‘What happened to them?’ were filmed in January so, in the meantime, there have been changes in my life…”. “I couldn’t speak with the broadcast of the show”. So, we imagine that she must talk about her dear and tender. Check out the two photos below that say a lot about his sentimental situation…

Instagram Caroline mapr @
Instagram Caroline mapr @

Luckily, Axel is also in a relationship according to information from Entertainment TV. Indeed, here is what he told reporters: “Yes, I have someone today. There is no privacy issue there.. It’s been a few months now. We plan to move in together soon.. Things are progressing quickly and well for the former husband, disappointed with his experience in Married at first sight. We wish them all a lot of happiness.

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