Caroline (Married at first sight) victim of attacks by “obsessed” men, chilling!

Caroline (Mariés au premier regard) victime d’agressions par des hommes “obsédés”, glaçant !

Caroline trusted science to find her a man. Alas, the one that M6 offers him does not suit him. Why this rejection?

Everything has not always been so rosy for Caroline!

By adding the suffix mapr_6, we come across all the Instagram accounts of the heroes of Married at first sight. Thanks to this trick, we have regular news from Caroline. But yes dear readerObjeko, you know it’s the one that’s causing a bit of a mess in this new season. While Alicia and Bruno have fallen in love or Damien and Pauline chain the twists and turns, Axel’s bride rebels. In her portrait, she was proud of her commitment to animals. Moreover, with a smile, she likes to define herself as a  » vegan ch*euse“. Unfortunately, when she meets Axel, nothing happens as planned. Feeling betrayed by the experts, she dots the I’s with them. Moreover, the current no longer flows with the shrink. So she no longer follows her on social media. It’s a shame, if Pascal’s colleague had taken the time to listen, she would probably have better understood his torments to find Prince Charming!

Ouch, a terrible bad memory resurfaces!

Screenshot (c) Instagram (c) Caroline_mapr6

How to remain insensitive to this exchange of emails on Facebook? At first, Caroline seemed suspicious. Between the face of this potential classmate and his way of writing, it means absolutely nothing to him. Realizing the deception, she will also suffer the unpleasant reflections of this hater. How easy it is for him to hide behind a screen to knock out. Years later, re-reading the whole thing, she first uses the humor card to justify her response. Very quickly, the bitterness rises to the surface. And it’s not necessarily pretty to see…

Sullen, Caroline does not go with the back of the spoon.  » All my life, I’ve been *m*redded, even *aggressed, by guys I’ve pushed away. » Attention reader of Objeko, this revelation of the candidate of Married at first sight partly explains his distrust of Axel. There are some where I had big problems. There are guys who have been *obsessed, who have even sometimes mixed up the justice system and the police. Once she realized this, she only had her eyes to cry over her tormented past. « All my life, I couldn’t reject someone without them deciding to destroy me »

Caroline’s double pain

Mother of a little man of almost 4 years old, Caroline considers that this is her only source of happiness. With his 17 dogs, of course. If ever there was a problem, instead of going after her directly, she advises them to review their copy.  » You go home to your mother, you cry a bit if you want, but you don’t piss the person off. » In fact, as always, she does not use tweezers. When something annoys her, she tells anyone who will listen. It will be understood, its conclusion is likely to arouse the debate with the male sex. “Ego and money in humans is a serious problem. »

When she heard about the concept of Married at first sight, Caroline found that it was a golden opportunity to cross paths with a man who would have no preconceptions about her. Thanks to science, she knows they will have a lot in common. This 80% compatibility with Axel makes her dream. Once again, his balance will waver… in the bad sense of the word!

Endless angst?

Married at first sight: a couple who are victims of a car accident...
Screenshot (c) Married at first sight (c) M6

Alas, once in Gibraltar, the mayonnaise does not take. She knows very well that her rejection is not necessarily shared. So, instead of running away at full speed, she takes refuge behind humor. During the photos or the meal, she locks herself in her titanium shell. If we had to compare, it seems that at least Axel respects her. Who knows what the future holds for these two… Very clever whoever can predict which of the two will have the last word. For now, the mystery remains intact! Continued in our next issue. So, we keep you informed… See you soon for new adventures!

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