Charles stands in for the Queen for the Speech from the Throne

published on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 5:24 p.m.

« Historic moment » in the United Kingdom: Prince Charles gave the traditional speech from the throne on Tuesday in place of his mother Elizabeth II detailing in Parliament the legislative ambitions of the government, the queen having given up on the advice of her doctors.

Bringing a new sign of the transition underway for the British monarchy under the effect of the health problems of the 96-year-old sovereign, it was Prince Charles who arrived in Parliament as the anthem « God Save the Queen » rang out. « .

Reading the speech on behalf of the Queen at the opening of the parliamentary session, the heir to the crown, 73, in a uniform adorned with decorations, sat on the throne reserved for the consort, symbolically smaller than that of the monarch . At his side were his wife Camilla, 74, and his eldest son, Prince William, 39, present for the first time, further proof of a change of generations that is taking place.

The crown was placed on a cushion.

It is only the third time in her 70-year reign that the 96-year-old head of state has missed this solemn appointment of British democracy. Pregnant, she had been absent in 1959 and 1963.

It is also the first time that the Prince of Wales, who has already represented her abroad for several years and is taking a growing place, replaces her.

The Queen had long hoped to attend before Buckingham Palace announced on Monday evening that she had « reluctantly decided not to take part in the Speech from the Throne », due to her « episodic mobility issues ».

Signs, for the Daily Mail, that the queen « is still really in charge »: « But make no mistake, this is a historic moment for the Crown ».

His absence raises questions about his participation in early June at the platinum jubilee celebrations, marking his 70 years of reign.

The Queen’s last public appearance was at the March 29 memorial service for her late husband, Prince Philip, who died last year.

– Win back voters –

On the political level, this speech marks the will for Boris Johnson, 57, to revive, a few days after heavy setbacks in the local elections and two years before the next legislative elections.

Triumphantly coming to power in July 2019, the conservative leader has seen his popularity plummet in recent months, against a backdrop of a purchasing power crisis, criticism of his handling of the pandemic and the « partygate » scandal which earned him a fine, a first for a head of government in office.

Speaking during the parliamentary debate on his government’s legislative program, Boris Johnson assured that it responded to the « economic challenges » of the United Kingdom and would « build the foundations for decades of prosperity ».

Declining 38 bills, the speech promised to « strengthen the economy and help ease the cost of living » in the face of soaring prices hitting households. According to a study published by the Food Foundation, millions of Britons no longer have enough to eat.

The text includes measures likely to appeal to the conservative base, in particular laws intended to reduce red tape after the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU, which will become fully effective in 2021.

The government also wants to prevent the « guerrilla techniques » of groups like Extinction Rebellion who have demonstrated by blocking roads or public transport and to modify the law to make it easier to deport foreign criminals.

Opposition Labor leader Keir Starmer has accused the Prime Minister of being « out of touch with reality » and his government of failing to rise to « challenges », warning of the risk of « stagflation », combining low growth and high inflation.

Also criticized for sharing beers and curry with a team from his party last year, Keir Starmer added pressure on the shoulders of the Prime Minister on Monday by pledging to resign if he also receives a fine for breaking the rules. anti covid rules.


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