China: torture, child prisoners, gunshots, ... Evidence of Chinese repression of the Uyghurs finally unveiled

China: torture, child prisoners, gunshots, … Evidence of Chinese repression of the Uyghurs finally unveiled

The leak of thousands of photos and documents reveals the chilling daily life of the Uyghurs detained by the Chinese communist regime.

For several years, the media, activists and international organizations have denounced the detention of hundreds of thousands ofUyghurs in camps in China.

This population muslimliving in the Chinese region of Xijiangis targeted by the communist regime because of the so-called « terror risk » that she represents.

accused ofarbitrary imprisonmentof bad treatments and even of torturethe Chinese government is defending its « rehabilitation and training centers » denying any abuse. According to them, the Uyghurs present in this center would have entered it voluntarily.

But tuesday 24 maya journalistic investigation revealed thousands of pictures and documents which demonstrate a very different reality.

An incredible investigation

This survey, titled « Xinjiang Police Files » was conducted by the German academic Adrian Zenz, in partnership with 14 international media. We discover there the Pictures thousands of detainees, as well as secret documents Chinese police.

The camera around the deportation of the Uyghurs finally broken! The hacking of Xinjiang police computers allows us to dive into the heart of the repression, revealing the practices of the executioners and the faces of the victims. We can’t say we didn’t know

—Raphael Glucksmann (@rglucks1) May 24, 2022

These documents were made available through the piracy directed by an anonymous individual, explains L’Espresso. They have all been verified by renowned journalists and professors.

The documents are available at

What do we discover?

This investigation reveals the photos of more than 5,000 citizens filed by the Chinese police, including 2,884 inmates in the famous « centers ». Among them, several are still only childrensays El País.

Photos taken inside detention centers show the injuries of detainees. We also see the Chinese guards, armed withweapons.

Between 1 and 4 million #figures han sido boarding school in camps of concentration of #China. Es el mayor proceso de internamiento de una minoría desde el Holocaust.
Hoy medios de 11 pays, entre ellos @el_paispublican documentos exclusivos.

— Andres Mourenza (@Andresmourenza) May 24, 2022

Other photos demonstrate the use of « tiger chairs »classified by the NGO Human Rights Watch as instruments of torture.

Speeches and instructions from Chinese officials are also disclosed. In one of them, Chen Quangosecretary general of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) in Xinjiang explains that: « as soon as someone moves [dans les centres], the fire must be opened with determination« .

The reactions

Liu PengyuSpokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in UNITED STATES reacted to these revelations.

He explained that: « Xinjiang affairs are, in essence, related to countering violent terrorism, radicalization and separatism, not human rights or religion. […] Xinjiang has taken a series of de-radicalization measures decisive, solid and effectives. »

The head of theUN for Human Rights, currently visiting the Xinjiang therefore demanded an explanation from the Chinese government.

The head of German diplomacy asked her Chinese counterpart for « clarifications » after revelations about the crackdown on the Muslim minority of Uyghurs, said the Foreign Ministry #AFP

– Agence France-Presse (@afpfr) May 24, 2022

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