critical speeches vis-à-vis the junta are gaining momentum

critical speeches vis-à-vis the junta are gaining momentum

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In Mali, supporters of Imam Mahmoud Dicko are increasingly critical of the junta. Their mentor had set the tone Thursday in the Malian capital by tackling the authorities of the transition whom he had publicly described as « arrogant ». Several political associations, members of the M5, have also demanded the resignation of the current Prime Minister, Choguel Maïga.

On Saturday, supporters of the religious leader held a meeting in Bamako and they gave a very tough speech. supporters of theImam Mahmoud Dicko are very critical of the current governance in Mali. For them, the country is at an impasse.

Youssouf Daba Diawara, general coordinator of the Coordination of movements, associations of sympathizers of Imam Mahmoud Dicko (CMAS) explains that they will not stand idly by in the face of the impasse in which the country finds itself: “ The transitional authorities have been there for more than twenty-two months and really, there has been no noticeable change that we have noticed. The intimidation that is going on today will not make us change our minds. »

A defamation suit against certain activists

No doubt, Imam Mahmoud Dicko is taking more and more distance from the Malian junta. And its supporters increasingly hold a political discourse.  » We have also noted, in recent times, the establishment of an atmosphere unfavorable to freedom of expression, says Youssouf Daba Diawara. Those who attack the imam on social networks are most often activists who are in the pay of the regime. »

The imam’s followers filed a libel suit against some of these activists. One of the appointed lawyers is formal: “ With the new laws on cybercrime, there is enough to quickly find those responsible if there is goodwill and the desire to punish the perpetrators of these insults and attacks. »

For some political associations, much remains to be done

Saturday in Bamako was also held a press conference of several political associations, members of the M5, political movement whose president of the strategic committee is the current Prime Minister, Choguel Maïga. And it was his resignation that was demanded by his former allies who criticized his action at the head of the government a year after his appointment.

 » Some organizations among us are calling for the Prime Minister’s resignation, explains Daba Diallo, spokesperson for the petitioners. Today, we believe that the M5 fight has been hijacked and that Choguel Maïga cannot remain Prime Minister and Chairman of the Strategic Committee at the same time. Really, the situation is such that we decided today to come out of our reserve and tell the truth to the Malians. »

As for the current governance, the observation made by the petitioners is that they are very far from their expectations: “ There is still much that remains to be done in relation to the virtuous governance that we are calling for, that is to say the new Mali to which the people have aspired for some time. Many things remain to be done, in particular concerning the various scandals, the question of impunity. The positive point today of this transition is that at the security level, there is a clear improvement and we congratulate our armed and security forces on this. »

To read: Thwarted coup attempt in Mali: total vagueness on the legal procedure


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