destinations to absolutely avoid

destinations to absolutely avoid

Two months from summer holidays, the counter is started. Where are we going to spend our annual leave? While some French people are particularly efficient and have already planned their summer since January, others play the latecomers card. Indeed, many are those who wait until the last moment to decide. You haven’t yet chosen your vacation spot, the destination where you can put your towel down to laze around all summer (or at least three weeks)? Some are to be avoided!

Yes, even if we love them, there are cities that are better to visit out of season, especially if you want to get away from it all and not meet your neighbors or colleagues on the beach.

What are the destinations to avoid?

The Opodo site has made a classification of 10 most popular destinations this summer. Therefore, these places should seduce the French to the point where they will go there in droves. Do you want exoticism, a quiet holiday, far from the crowds? Avoid them!

« 37% of reservations are made for one to two weeks, followed by 21% for two to three weeks and 20% of lucky people who allow themselves more than three weeks »details Opodo in a press release.

The most popular destinations for summer 2022

Some European destinations make the hearts of the French beat faster. To guide you in your booking your vacation summer, here are the destinations to forget, if you do not want to be invaded by the crowd.


The central Mediterranean archipelago, Malta, is appreciated for its more than pleasant climate. Tourists flock there from the beginning of July. Its historical heritage and its gastronomy make it the place to be. If this island appeals to you, wait for the beginning of autumn or the return of spring.

Porto, Portugal

Do you want pasteis de nata? We understand you! However, we do not recommend that you go to Port this summer. If the second largest city in Portugal seduces us with its history (it mixes old town and modern comfort), it will be better to wait until the end of summer to put your suitcase there. First of all, because it is very hot there during the summer season. Then, because the historic center erected on the hills overlooking the Douro, attracts a lot of people in July and August.

Ajaccio, France

The Corsica is still one of the most popular summer destinations. The island of beauty has everything to please: it is accessible, French is spoken there, the landscapes are spectacular and the sea water very pleasant. There are many reasons that lead tourists to flock to Ajaccio. Avoid, if you don’t like crowds.

Lisbon, Portugal

A second city in Portugal appears in this ranking, and it is none other than Lisbon, the capital. If you wanted to listen to Fado this summer, prefer the Algarve by going to Sagrès. You will enjoy Portuguese life while being quiet (and at the water’s edge, it’s very pleasant too!).

Figari, France

Figari, just like Ajaccio, attracts a lot of people once the sun is at its zenith. So, of course, the Isle of Beauty makes us want to, but from going to an island, you might as well choose one where you can put your towel on the beach.

Athens, Greece

The Acropolis, you dream of it, however, it is not during the summer that you are likely to see it. Otherwise, you will have to support the thousands of tourists who will go there at the same time as you. Keep the holidays to Athens for the low season, from September, you can discover the city in the best conditions.

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

It’s not Ibiza (although this island would have its place in this ranking), but Palma de Mallorca which is in seventh place in the Opodo ranking of most popular destinations this summer. You will have understood it, if you dream of a  » sea ​​sex and sun« That’s where you need to go. If you are looking for calm and nature, go your way.

Bastia, France

Ultimately, Corsica is not really the dream destination for a quiet summer. We will have warned you!

Montreal, Canada

across the Atlantic, Montreal back in the rankings. This year, many people have booked to discover this Canadian city during the summer. Don’t want to eat poutine next to French tourists at the restaurant? Go your way.

Marrakech, Morocco

Finally, the Opodo ranking ends with Marrakesh. The former imperial city in western Morocco draws crowds. This summer, forget the riads, unless you like the world.

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