Diam’s: why she chose to leave France for the United Arab Emirates

Diam's: why she chose to leave France for the United Arab Emirates

Back on the front of the stage, Diam’s confided in our colleagues from Parisian about his departure from France. She reveals there why she left France.

She’s finally back. After years of remaining silent, Diam’s returned to the front of the stage, on the occasion of the release of its documentary, entitled Hellothe former rap star confided in our colleagues at Parisian. The former singer reveals in particular the reasons which led her to leave France: « Because I wanted to be elsewhere. I lived in the Yvellines but sometimes being a veiled woman in France is not easy. I was in a small town. But we don’t only live in our village. One moment my children had to go to school. »

During this interview, Diam’s also returned to the rise of the Rassemblement National and the popularity of Marine Le Pen. Cash, the former singer replies: « I no longer have a fixed gaze on France », she admits, before continuing: « I’m more interested in what the world is like. I see everything that’s going on here through my mother, who tells me that it’s very anxiety-provoking at the moment. Afterwards, I was happy to see people relieved that the extremes have not passed. I am a spectator of something that does not surprise me, since I felt that it would go far in politics unfortunately ».

Diam’s on Vitaa: « I’m happy when my girlfriend is »

Fortunately, Diam’s was also able to confide in one of the only friends who has always supported her: Vitaa. « I’m happy when my girlfriend is. Afterwards, I’m afraid for her, of the same things that scare me. With Charlotte (Vitaa’s real name), our friendship has never changed. We were two little ones » girls », who spent evenings together. Today, we are two mothers who meet in the afternoon ». For a comeback, Diam’s has decided to go unfiltered.

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The former singer reveals in particular the reasons which led her to leave France: « Because I wanted to go elsewhere. I lived in the Yvellines but sometimes being a veiled woman in France is not easy. »

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« I was in a small town. But you don’t just live in your village. For a while, my children had to go to school. »

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During this interview, Diam’s also returned to the rise of the Rassemblement National and the popularity of Marine Le Pen.

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Cash, the former singer replies: « I no longer have a fixed gaze on France », she admits,

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before continuing: « I’m more interested in what the world is. »

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« I see everything that’s going on here through my mum, who tells me it’s super anxiety-inducing right now. »

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« Afterwards I was happy to see people relieved that the extremes had not passed. I am a spectator of something that does not surprise me, since I felt that it would go far in politics unfortunately ».

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Fortunately, Diam’s was also able to confide in one of the only friends who has always supported her: Vitaa. « I’m happy when my girlfriend is »

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« Afterwards I’m scared for her, of the same things that scare me. »

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« With Charlotte (the real name of Vitaa, our friendship has never changed. We were two little « girls », who spent evenings together. Today, we are two mothers who meet in the afternoon ».

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For a comeback, Diam’s has decided to go unfiltered.

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