Do you know these 7 toxic foods for your dog?

Fruits and vegetables harmful to my pet


           From 5-10 g per kg of weight, that is to say about 1 whole onion for a 10 kg dog, the food becomes very harmful for the animal. Cats being more sensitive, the toxic dose is lower than for dogs.

Consequences and symptoms: The ingredients in these foods destroy red blood cells and prevent them from distributing oxygen throughout the body. They can cause digestive and respiratory problems, as well as severe fatigue. In the worst case, this leads to anemia and death.


         Fresh grapes are toxic from 10 g per kg of weight, i.e. only one or two bunches. Raisins are much more toxic because they are more concentrated. The lethal dose for the animal can vary considerably depending on the weight, the breed and the metabolism of the animal. It is therefore difficult to define.

Consequences and symptoms: Within the first few hours after ingestion, digestive symptoms are the most common, followed by acute renal failure, which is often fatal for the animal.


       Cooked potatoes are safe for the animal because of the excretion of solanine. This toxin is present in the skin, leaves, flowers and in large quantities in sprouts and sprouted or green tubers. Beyond a quantity of 30 g/kg (equivalent of a small potato) of raw or wormed potatoes, the dose is really toxic for the animal.

Consequences and symptoms: digestive and nervous disorders in the hours following ingestion should alert and require urgent veterinary advice.


         Eating avocado leaves is as toxic for dogs and cats as eating the pulp. Toxic doses are not known and it is recommended to eliminate this fruit from the animal’s diet. 

Consequences and symptoms: digestive disorders occur within a few hours after ingestion. Cardiovascular and respiratory problems may also occur. A veterinarian should be consulted urgently before symptoms appear.

Lire la suite : Do you know these 7 toxic foods for your dog?

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