Do you know these 7 toxic foods for your dog?

Other toxic foods


Seeds and kernels contain cyanogen glycoside, which is toxic to animals. Crushing the seeds or stones releases this toxin, which can be fatal if ingested.

Consequences and symptoms: regardless of the amount ingested, the danger to your pet should not be underestimated. In addition to the toxin, eating large quantities of seeds and stones can cause digestive problems and even intestinal obstruction.


Cocoa is known to be very toxic to our pets because it contains the bromine, an alkaloid. Alkaloids are molecules present in chocolate, but also in coffee. A dose of 60 g of dark chocolate for a 10 kg dog is potentially lethal, and dogs are particularly attracted by its smell.

Consequences and symptoms: Symptoms appear in the hours following ingestion. They are quite quickly recognizable because they affect the general state of the animal: vomiting, thirst, agitation, tremors and, in severe cases, cardiac disorders and coma, which precede the death of the animal. If a veterinarian takes care of the animal in time, its chances of survival are greater.


Depending on the weight of the animal, one macadamia nut is enough to poison it. Macadamia nuts, like nutmegs, are too high in phosphorus for our animals. At an intake of 2.2 g per kg of weight, the animal is weakened. Cooking does not make the nut less toxic.

Consequences and symptoms: Fever and depression are the first signs of poisoning. Vomiting occurs at 7 g per kg. 

Lire la suite : Do you know these 7 toxic foods for your dog?

What should I do if my pet has come into contact with a toxic food?

– If you think your pet has ingested a toxic food, call your veterinarian or emergency veterinary service immediately.

– Do not attempt to induce vomiting or treat the pet yourself.

– Be prepared to provide the veterinarian with as much information as possible: What food was ingested and how much? At what time? What is the pet’s weight? Does the animal have any health problems? Etc.


Which plants are toxic?

Many plants are toxic for our pets. Whether they are indoor or garden plants, it is good to know them to avoid accidents.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of plants that can be toxic to pets:

– Lilies: tulips, lilies, lily of the valley.

– Tropical plants: Philodendron and Dieffenbachia

– Oleander

– Heather

– Digitalis

– Mistletoe

– Aloe

– Asparagus

Lire la suite : Do you know these 7 toxic foods for your dog?

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