«J’ai quitté la chambre sans la moindre colère»: les révélations d’Eddy sur sa nuit de noces avec Jennifer dans «Mariés au premier regard»

Eddy’s revelations about his wedding night with Jennifer in ‘Married at First Sight’

INTERVIEW – The 37-year-old events manager from Wasquehal recounts his marriage and his first moments with the Lille hairdressing salon manager he met in Gibraltar as part of season 6 of the M6 ​​romance program.

After a painful breakup « overnight » with a woman he was very much in love with, Eddy needed time before he could consider a new serious relationship. “I had completely lost my self-confidence at that time and had closed in on myself”, he confides in front of the cameras of “Married at first sight”, ensuring that he has never fallen in love again since. 81% compatible with Jennifer, the 37-year-old events manager met a emotionally wounded woman in search of confidence. Like him.

” READ ALSO – Jennifer (“Married at first sight”): “The death of my big brother was a big shock”

LE FIGARO. – What was the trigger for your registration to “Married at first sight”?
EDDY. – During the first containment of spring 2020, a colleague sent me the announcement of the casting, offering me to try my luck. She knew that I had no problem to meet but, on the other hand, I had to settle for the duration. I had time, I work in events and my activity was at a standstill, I answered the few questions asked and, six months later, the production called me for a first interview.

At 37, what does your romantic past look like, do you have long established relationships?
I didn’t have many stable relationships, but I was in a relationship for seven years with a girl who was very good. It had ended because I simply had no more love for her. And at the beginning of 2017, I met this girl who I was really very in love with and who left me at the end of 2017. Two days before she left with another man, we had gone to buy our Christmas tree and she told me that she loved me, that she didn’t want to lose me. I say very rarely « I love you » because I am very modest and I had told him that evening. I haven’t rebuilt anything since even though I tried. I had a relationship that lasted six months, but we burned each other’s wings because we immediately settled in together. We were too different for it to work. I realized, by participating in « Married at first sight », that I wanted too much to find a part of the personality of the one I had lost. I realized that the problem came first from me.

Do you want to start a family and have children?
Yes, I really want to have a family life and that’s the whole point of my participation in “Married at first sight”. I no longer want this loneliness. I want to build a life together and I am convinced that I will be an excellent father. It’s really my wish.

“I did not do this experience to go on television”

Eddy from « Married at First Sight »

What were your first impressions on discovering Jennifer in Gibraltar?

When I find her, I’m a little intimidated, like a 15-year-old boy on his very first date. (Laughs.) It was very weird, I hadn’t felt that for a very long time. The atmosphere is special, you get married in front of cameras with someone you don’t know, in the presence of people you don’t know either. Everything is reversed, I meet the family before seeing my wife. In addition, it was very very hot, I was dripping. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Jennifer, I really liked her white suit, I was charmed.

What did you tell each other on the drive to the banquet venue?

We drove for an hour and a half, we told each other a lot of things. There was no white, we laughed and it was a great moment. Nevertheless, we remained quite modest about our love journey, we did not mention our past wounds. We talked about our journey on the show, our respective jobs, the fact that she has a child, etc.

It is only at the time of the banquet, with the speech of Jennifer’s father, that you really become aware of her heavy sentimental past…
At the time of the wedding, we said yes then we kissed each other, that didn’t surprise me. I found that normal and it didn’t shock me at all. In the car, we exchanged glances and sometimes it was a little fleeting but we were able to talk calmly. Indeed, during dinner, when his dad spoke, I understood that something was wrong and I took the initiative to go talk to him. He is a lovely person and he understood that my intentions were healthy and sincere.

Jennifer sometimes appeared distant with you, how did you experience this wedding dinner?
It went well, there was a very good understanding with the families. I perceived Jennifer’s discomfort and distance, I could feel a little rejected at times, but I asked myself the question of the best time to talk about it with her. When I say in an interview that I don’t know if he likes me or not, it’s true. I have no idea at the time. I don’t really understand what’s going on and wonder if she’s participating in Married at First Sight to heal her personal wounds. But I have no frustration. I am aware that I will have to be patient with her to take the time to discover her and I want to make her understand that I am here with good intentions. I did not do this experience to go on television.

“I asked myself the question of whether I should continue or stop”

Eddy from « Married at First Sight »

You remained patient and understanding until the moment when Jennifer announces to you that she does not wish to sleep in the same bed as you…

Our discussion in the bedroom was very cordial but it was very late, we were both very tired and I didn’t feel like talking anymore. This is not shown in the edit, I tell him exactly that the night brings advice and I take a stand by telling him that I cannot decide his choices for him. From there, I get up and leave the room without the slightest anger.

In an interview, we hear you say: “We are married now, my place is in the marital bed, not on the sofa”. Isn’t that a bit too radical a reasoning?
I do understand how it could be perceived that way. When we participate in “Married at First Sight”, we are constantly reminded of the importance of marriage, that so and so is the husband and so and so is the wife. When asked about the wedding night, I’m still in costume, the conversation with Jennifer hasn’t taken place yet, and I answer that, traditionally, the bride and groom share the same bed. But, in fact, when Jennifer tells me her choice, I respect it and leave the room. Our relations have always remained cordial.

This first night alone in your room was certainly very short, did you think a lot?
Yes a lot, I must have slept barely two hours. I thought about the situation a lot, trying to figure out what would be the best way to approach the next exchanges with Jennifer. I also asked myself the question of whether I should continue or stop. I wondered if she herself wanted to continue. How were we going to do it, were we at an impasse?

“Jennifer is a really lovely woman, I met a beautiful person”

Eddy from « Married at First Sight »

Have you discovered anything about Jennifer in view of the episodes of « Married at first sight » on M6 and on Salto?
I could see that she had told her friends and during interviews on our wedding day that she liked me. But with me, outside of the ceremony where she complimented me on my costume, I didn’t know what she thought of me. What struck me the most while watching the episodes was how much I didn’t immediately realize the extent of his discomfort.

Each couple lives their experience in “Married at First Sight” in their own way: some kiss on the mouth on the wedding day, others don’t… Some live a wedding night being very close, others go to bed part… How did you imagine your meeting?
I never asked myself any questions, I didn’t anticipate anything and I let myself be carried away by events, in the moment. Some couples are overflowing with happiness from the start but do not necessarily last thereafter. And vice versa… Each story is different. With Jennifer, there is crazy potential in our couple, our compatibility is real. People can say what they want on social media about her, but she’s a really lovely woman. I discovered a very beautiful person.

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