Endometriosis: Natacha Calestrémé's words push France 2 to deprogram "It starts today"

Endometriosis: Natacha Calestrémé’s words push France 2 to deprogram « It starts today »

Twitter screenshot

Natacha Calestrémé, main guest of the program scheduled for May 4 on France 2 caused a lively controversy for her remarks on endometriosis.

TELEVISION – An extract which pushes the public service to react urgently. France 2 was forced to cancel a program on endometriosis scheduled for Wednesday May 4 in the program “Ca commence today”.

It did not take long for an extract broadcast on May 1 on social networks to cause an uproar, forcing France 2 and Faustine Bollaert’s program to review their copy, deleting the extract in question and deprogramming in disaster the program on this chronic disease still too little known and which affects nearly 10% of women.

The extract, lasting just under two minutes, aroused the anger of many associations and even scientists, in the face of the comments of one of the guests of the show, Natacha Calestrémé, presented as author and personal development specialist. On the images intended for social networks, we can hear Natacha Calestrémé giving explanations to a woman suffering from endometriosis on the reasons for her miscarriages.

“You inherited this grandmother or great-grandmother who had children, who lost children. Endometriosis, for all those who listen to us, is a message from our body that tells us that before there was enormous suffering from a person who associated the word childhood and death, and childhood and death , it doesn’t go together. There is guilt, there is sadness and we have to free ourselves from it”, she says on the set of the show.

Immediately, associations and patients with endometriosis rose up against “this type of discourse” which “misleads”, as explained by AAERS, a collective for scientific research around Adenomyosis and Endometriosis. The collective has also requested the pure and simple cancellation of this program recalling that there is “no scientific proof that endometriosis would have such an origin”.

Strong reaction also from the side of Tristan Mendès France on Twitter. This lecturer associated with the University of Paris-Diderot and columnist for France Inter challenged the channel on social networks.

“Frankly there is enough quackery online not to propel any into the public service. Endometriosis caused by miscarriage guilt of our ancestors? Serious?”, he was indignant at the remarks Natacha Calestrémé.

He also denounced the presence of the successful author of “The keys to your energy” on other channels and in the written press earlier in the year, such as on the set of C à vous in January, or in the columns of Figaro in April.

The show will be “reworked”

Same story for Marie-Rose Galès, author of the book “Endometriose Mon Amour”. For this patient expert in endometriosis, the emission of France 2 makes “sectarian drift” on the disease.

She also wrote to the channel, which replied to her on Monday May 2 that the program management of France 2 had decided to deprogram this program. The Miviludes (Interministerial mission of vigilance and fight against sectarian aberrations) and Arcom were also seized.

Contacted by The Parisian, France Télévision announced that it would “leave time to rework the show with the production”. Quoted by the newspaper, the entourage of Natacha Calestrémé argues that it is an « excerpt taken out of context on a sensitive subject », while the main interested party has still not spoken about this controversy. .

See also on The HuffPost: MPs Unanimously Pass BIA Endometriosis Proposal

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