Florent Pagny

Florent Pagny: his daughter Ael at 23: sublime, she bewitches Internet users like never before

Ael is an artist like her father

If Florent Pagny distinguished himself thanks to his unique and powerful voice, his daughter could find a place for herself thanks to her eyes, she who is an independent photographer and passionate about photography since a young age. It is for this reason that she left for New York, to learn all about photographic art at the Parsons School of Design. For two and a half years, she took lessons, before starting an internship in a creative studio. Today, she works for the clothing brand Post-Imperial, and still as a freelance photographer.

His life in New York, Ael loves it. Especially since normal life, the one New Yorkers knew before the covid, is gradually returning: “ It’s been a few months since the places started to reopenshe explains to our colleagues from Gala.fr. And it’s amazing to see this explosion of people resurfacing. During the pandemic, the city was deserted which, for New York, is a real shock. Today, the city is once again full of people, especially students. We feel that she is happy. It’s so nice to just be outside in the parks with friends and be able to share again. »

A quick glance at his Instagram page reveals his talent, but also his charisma. Photographer, Ael could just as well have been a model. The young woman has grown well and looks like two drops of water to her father.

Florent Pagny, a father hen even from a distance

Ael has passed confinement with his parents but is now flying on his own. And if some parents experience the separation badly, Florent Pagny adapts well to it. The force of habit, no doubt, since his life as an artist has sometimes kept him away from his family. Still in the columns of Gala.fr, Ael talks about his relationship with his father:

 » He watches over us, even from a distance. He always gives us good advice. But he is never intrusive, he leaves us free as long as everything is done according to the rules and we are happy.. »

On social networks, she does not hesitate, sometimes, to give news of her father. The latter is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment to overcome a lung tumor. A news that worried many French people. To reassure fans, a few words are enough. When a user asks him how his father is doing, Ael answers bluntly “ Everything is going well“, something to reassure everyone. She also took a picture of her father, as you can see below.

Florent Pagny fights cancer

Fans of the artist learned with sadness of the cancellation of his 60th anniversary tour. But he has a good reason: I have just been diagnosed with a tumor in the lung, a not very sympathetic cancerous tumor which cannot be operated on. “he says on social networks. If the news worries, the one who sings My freedom of thought remains no less optimistic: «  take care, be well, when this is all settled, see you again, I’ll come and finish what I started, maybe it will be for the 61st birthday tour « .

Even before starting his treatment, and while the mere pronunciation of the word cancer is scary, Florent Pagny displays incredible determination and is certain to find his fans the following year, for the 61-year career tour.

This strength, Amel Bent witnesses it every day when they shoot episodes of The Voice together. It was during the recording of the last season that he learned the news about his state of health. However, he did not stop working, he continued filming with his comrades. Something to surprise Amel Bent, who can’t get over working with such a strong artist:

 » We were with him of course. It’s a bit moving… Because it’s true that it wasn’t easy.  » But what I remember is that my friend Florent Pagny is actually a warrior, and he returned as long as he was the Taulier. And that it’s Monsieur Pagny »

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