France revealed their Celtic spell during their second rehearsal

France revealed their Celtic spell during their second rehearsal

From our special correspondent in Turin (Italy)

Lots of fire, predominant green lights, a large triskele – a Celtic symbol specific to druids – on the ground… It’s a pagan rite that Alvan and Ahez will deliver next Saturday in the Eurovision final with their song Fulenn. And many are ready to commune with them, judging by the first reactions gleaned after the second rehearsal of the Breton quartet, this Saturday morning. The two passages on stage retransmitted in the press room were warmly applauded.

As expected, the staging resumes that which France 2 viewers discovered at the beginning of March during the tricolor selection It’s up to you. “It was a challenge to recreate this atmosphere on a much bigger stage, and France succeeded in it, greets the American Alesia Michelle who covers the competition for her YouTube channel. The costumes are beautiful, the pyrotechnics add an extra touch. »

« With these magnificent lights, you really feel like you’re in a Celtic forest, » enthuses Farouk Valette, editor-in-chief of Cocoricovision, the French magazine for fans of the competition. The arch at the back of the stage which poses so many problems for the other delegations is perfectly exploited: there is a flamboyant side, which brings a plus. »

« It’s chaotic, but the song imposes it »

On the production side, the camera movements are sustained: they sometimes flicker or zoom. Some shots are very short, giving the whole thing a frenetic pace, reinforcing the impression of being carried away by a spell. « I’m a little afraid that the production will not be able to follow what the French delegation wants », worries Farouk Vallette, however.

“I love this hyper-rhythmic production, assures the Italian Enrico Picciolo of Other editors of the site find it too chaotic but, for me, the song imposes it. »

« Sometimes clutter is a good thing, » says William Lee Adams of Wiwibloggs, saying that’s the case here. He adds: “The toxic green of the lighting is also a good choice, it fits well in the mood of the song which is about a dance with the devil, it should not be too sharp and clean. »

“Their performance will be memorable”

There are several close-ups of Alvan and his gaze, underlined with a black line making him hypnotic. “He catches the camera, says Farouk Vallette, and his wink at the end will please. The Ahez are not left out. « They have worked well on their movements and movements and are consistent with the energy required by this piece, » says William Lee Adams.

In the press conference that followed, France fired a pass in the first part of the final, the one the superstitious want to run away from because they fear it will complicate the chances of getting a good result. “Even if I don’t really imagine them finishing in the Top 5, I am sure that they will capture the attention of the public and that, even by passing early, their performance will be memorable”, predicts Alesia Michelle. Only a week left to wait to see how the Breton charm will operate in the Eurovision final…

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