Gambardella: Hugo Vogel, the quiet strength

Gambardella: Hugo Vogel, the quiet strength

Young OL full-back Hugo Vogel / ©photo O&L

The U18 international defender of Olympique Lyonnais, Hugo Vogel is eager to do battle with Caen in the final of the Gambardella Cup, this Saturday at the Stade de France (5:15 p.m.). The native of Pierre-Bénite, who dreams of winning this event which has eluded OL since 1997, also has a personal card to play.

« Can you repeat the question? ». Hugo Vogel has an eye for detail. When it came time to tell his story before the Gambardella Cup final (this Saturday at 5:15 p.m.), the young OL full-back was keen to express himself in the best possible way. It must be said that the resident of the U19 training trained by Eric Hely had a funny season: he made his professional debut in November 2021 in the Europa League against Bröndby then started in December against Glasgow Rangers, before returning to the National 2. “A season is very long and you learn a lot of things. I progressed athletically and mentally with the reservehe confides. The pace in N2, it goes very quickly, with more technical details. With the pros, there is no room for error, it is sometimes a matter of a few centimeters. I still think I can improve. »

Of a very spontaneous nature, Hugo Vogel goes frankly when asked to gauge himself. « My weak points? I prefer not to mention them, so that nobody knows them (laughs). But I know them, and I’m working on them, he said. Regarding my qualities, I would say that I am not stingy with effort, I am comfortable with both feet, which allows me to play on the left or on the right. I participate a lot offensively while being combative defensively. And when it’s time to go to war, I’m there. » In combat, it will be necessary to go there on Saturday on the lawn of the Stade de France against the Normans of the Stade Malherbe de Caen. « They’re a good team. It’s not for nothing that they’ve come this far, warns the side promising. A final is special, there is no favorite. We’ll see how it goes. »

Fan support? « It’s a sign of trust. »

One thing is certain, OL hope to lift a trophy that has eluded them for too many years. 25 years precisely. « It’s going to be a wonderful moment, we’ve been waiting for this for a very long time, We did all this to get to the final and win it. Now there is only the last stage left, and we hope it will go well. » And to add: « We only want to win this final and we’re going to put everything in place for that. » What’s more, under the eyes of the fans and the families of the players who will make the trip in large numbers to Saint-Denis. « It’s motivating to know that some supporters are coming for usExplain Hugo Vogel. It makes us want to win every game. It is proof of trust. As far as our families are concerned, seeing them in the stands gives us strength, it’s real support. We do it all for them. »

« A real group of brothers »

But also for the rest of their career. The 18-year-old is expected to extend his contract soon, which expires at the end of June. « Yes, it can affect contractshe admits. Afterwards, we know that even if some win the Gambardella, they will not sign one. Anyway, according to Hugo Vogel this team from Olympique Lyonnais has a lot to offer. « From the start of this competition, we had a little feeling, he admits. We thought we could go all the way, because we have good players who have real technical and physical qualities. » Within the academy, the observation is unanimous: the good atmosphere is required in U19. « We have a real group of brotherswe have known each other for a very long time, cowardly Hugo Vogel. We do activities outside, it’s a very homogeneous group. We are very connected. »

To use the term used, before the semi-final won against Troyes, by the coach Eric Hely, this Lyon U19 team is « well born ». « He’s a very good coach, he’s tough but fair »Explain Hugo Vogel. Since the beginning of this Gambardella Cup, Hugo Vogel and his comrades arouse a great outpouring of sympathy. « We wet the jersey, we give everything for Lyon, insists the French international defender (U18). I am from Lyon, and everyone from Lyon loves their city because it is wonderful, it has very good values. » A victory this Saturday will certainly delight – especially with the complicated season of the professional team – many OL fans.


His opinion on Mohamed El Arouch

« He’s a very technical player, capable of doing everything. It’s a real bonus for our team, I’m very happy that we have a player like him. »

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