he swings everything and opens up about their separation

Familles nombreuses : Olivier Gayat en froid avec Soukdavone ? Critiqué, il réagit cash

The Gayat family has participated for a very long time in the issue of Large families, life in XXL. Indeed, this tribe is part of the beginnings of the program and they were even filmed in the program of So true. In any case, viewers immediately became attached to Olivier and Soukdavone of Laotian origin. Like all couples, there are ups and downs. The tribal chief looks back on the period of crisis that the parents experienced and in particular his infidelity…

Large families : a big period of crisis for the Gayat couple

The French are passionate about these extraordinary tribes. Thus, the company TF1 is delighted to benefit from good audience scores and is not ready to stop the program which still has a bright future ahead of it. The public can continue to follow the adventures of the Gayat parents and their nine children: Mathieu, Olivia, Téo, Chloé, Elsa, Alicia, Rudy, Nolane and Jade. Recently, Olivier and Soukdavone from Large families, life in XXL were invited on the set of At Jordan’sfor Entertainment TV.

Jordan De Luxe asked them various and varied questions, in particular about their new job as influencers on social networks, or even the beginnings of their love story, but also about a complicated period between them. Indeed, the pair of Large families, life in XXL experienced a crisis that almost ruined everything between them. It was several months ago, at the beginning of the year 2022. The brave mom started the year in the worst possible way. Indeed, on learning of her husband’s infidelity…

A very serious quarrel between the Gayat parents

 » There have been ups and downs. And a fight a little more serious than another“, began Olivier Gayat of Large families, life in XXL. The chief of the tribe said that he was  » fell in the trap on social networks and that he had clearly slipped.  » I talked to a girl… I’m a very impressionable person.“. But, Soukdavone quickly discovered her husband’s deception.  » On the networks, everything is known“, she said. Oliver added: People took us in the street, people swung“.

An impressionable husband, his wife kicks him out

Soukdavone, very angry, does not hesitate for a second when he discovers the truth: she kicks him out of the family home. The father of the family had no choice but to sleep with one of his children.  » I found myself isolated in my truck, my son Matthieu took me in despite his resentment. I slept at my daughter Olivia’s too. And there, I thought of lots and lots of things, I said to myself ‘it’s good Olivier, stop, you’ve gone too far‘” he said with sincerity.

He adds that it was the moment the hardest of its existence.  » I even had depression“, swung the tribal chief of Large families, life in XXL. Love was still present between them and his wife decides to forgive him. But, the courageous mother is still injured and she is not yet completely healed.  » Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s true that confidence is no longer there, not like before. It’s up to him to prove. »

Divorce rumour?

A rumor has circulated that the couple may be going to divorce following this crisis. But, this is not planned at the moment. The Gayats are going to give themselves a second chance.  » There were rumors that we were getting divorced. A lot of things have been said, yes I did something stupid but there was no divorce“, explained Olivier in Large families, life in XXL.

The good news is that you can continue to follow the adventures of the close-knit tribe of Large families, life in XXL. In addition, the parents also became grandparents. Indeed, their eldest daughter Olivia has welcomed a little boy and Théo’s companion is pregnant!

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