Life is full of twists and turns that can have an impact on your health insurance coverage, from getting married to having a baby. Keep up with these changes by understanding the different life events that can affect your health insurance, and how they can affect your tax filing process.

Understand What Life Events Impact Your Tax Filing Process.
Certain life events, such as marriage, divorce, having a baby or adopting a child, can have an impact on your tax filing process. Understanding how these changes affect your health insurance coverage and tax filing requirements is essential for keeping your taxes up-to-date and accurate. Be sure to check the eligibility requirements for any dependent care credits, credits for health insurance premiums, adjustments to income based on the particular circumstance of your life event, and other applicable deductions that may be available to you.
Know What Funds You May Need for Tax Filing Before Making a Major Life Decision.
When going through a major life event, it’s important to understand that there may be associated costs involved. Before making any such decisions, you should always consider how it may affect your taxes and what funds you may need to put aside in order to file your taxes afterwards. Additionally, it’s essential to understand the eligibility and deduction requirements related to healthcare expenses and insurance coverage for yourself and any dependents in order to maximize tax credits or other savings available.

Take Note of How Employer-Provided Health Insurance May Affect Tax Deduction Eligibility.
The employer-provided health insurance you receive could affect your eligibility for certain deductions, credits and savings — both during the life event itself and afterwards when it’s time to file your taxes. Be sure to take notes of how any added coverage or changes in benefits can impact the deductions you are eligible for before filing your taxes. Doing so can help ensure you maximize your deductions and minimize any potential negative impacts to taxable income.
Recognize When Your Health Insurance Will or Won’t Impact Your Withholding and Refund Amounts.
A big consideration when filing taxes is how it will impact your withholding, refunds and payments. It’s important to understand how changes in healthcare coverage during the year can affect these processes. For some life events – such as marriage, divorce or childbirth – you may want to adjust your withholding if you are anticipating a significant change in income or deductions due to different insurance coverage. On the other hand, certain events like retirement that don’t require a change in health insurance plans won’t have an impact on any refund amounts you’re expecting.
Familiarize Yourself with the ACA Reporting Requirements for the Current Year.
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you must report information about healthcare coverage to the IRS when filing taxes. This includes details such as type of coverage, policy start and end dates, and health insurance provider ID number. The exact requirements may vary depending on your specific situation, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with ACA reporting guidelines for the current year before filing. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in large penalties, so make sure you are fully informed prior to preparing your return.