Amel Bent : son mari Patrick incarcéré, elle a fait ses adieux

her husband Patrick imprisoned, she said goodbye

Amel Bent is at its worst. While she has just given birth to her third child, the singer finds herself separated from her husband, who is in prison. The Objeko team tells you all about this sad affair in this article.

Amel Bent: the birth of her third child

The happy event has finally arrived! Amel Bent has just given birth to her third child! Usually, she is rather reserved about her private life, preferring to highlight her musical career on social networks. But her baby bump was getting way too big to hide! So, even if it means being pregnant, Amel Bent has decided to formalize the news in the most beautiful way. She adorned herself with a very sensual tight-fitting outfit and posed, holding her stomach. His fans were going crazy!

We were then able to see her throughout the season of The Voice displayed with her belly which swells from show to show.

This new baby was impatiently awaited for the month of March. And he kept waiting! Indeed, her newborn did not arrive until April 7. Parents are obviously overjoyed. Amel Bent shared the good news on social networks: “Thank you for all your messages of love and kindness throughout this pregnancy that I have shared with you. Now, a little rest and lots of hugs before we meet again”. We can only wish them a lot of happiness, and we are sure that the two big sisters are also delighted to discover… their little brother! Because yes, it is indeed a little boy! However, his first name is kept secret for the moment…

If happiness seems to flow freely for Amel Bent, it was without counting on the actions of her husband, the sulphurous Patrick Antonelli…

Patrick Antonelli: the sulphurous husband of Amel Bent

Patrick Antonelli is a driving school manager who rose to prominence for the wrong reasons. Indeed, Amel Bent’s husband was involved in a scandalous false driver’s license case. Patrick Antonelli would have fomented, with the help of an employee of the Hauts-de-Seine prefecture, the constitution of 258 false driving licenses. Celebrities are involved, such as Ali Baddou, Jérémy Ménez, or even Samir Nasri. The larceny would have raised no less than €400,000.

Amel Bent’s husband was sentenced to 4 years in prison and a fine of 100,000 euros. However, he decided to appeal the decision. On January 27, 2022, the court decision was made. Patrick Antonelli is finally sentenced to three years in prison, including two years suspended. The prefecture employee Rabiah Benrais, had been sentenced to a three-year sentence, two of which were suspended and a fine of 40,000 euros. She had not appealed the decision. Amel Bent’s husband had been able to get by with a simple electronic bracelet. However, barely four months after his conviction, he is back in court, and this time he does not escape prison…

Patrick Antonelli in prison for another case

This time, the husband of Amel Bent can not escape the prison box. Already questioned for the case of driving licenses, it is a second case that puts him in turmoil. Indeed, this new conviction pronounced on March 8 by the Nanterre Criminal Court concerns an illegal position as his wife’s bodyguard. A position that he of course did not hesitate to charge. However, this profession is highly regulated. But that’s not all ! Patrick Antonelli would also have benefited from state aid paid to compensate for the decline in activity during the Covid when he was not entitled to it, according to our colleagues from Parisian.

Amel Bent’s husband has therefore just been imprisoned for a 15-month prison sentence. His sentence had been delayed because his wife was pregnant. However, now that the baby is born, Patrick Antonelli will have to find himself in the shade for a good while. If he appealed the decision, the passage through the prison box is not negotiable.

Amel Bent will therefore have to spend the first months of her infant’s life raising her alone, in addition to her two other daughters. However, it is easy to imagine that she will benefit from all the necessary help from her family and friends!

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