Grégory Lemarchal : sa mère révèle ses derniers mots prononcés avant sa mort, vos larmes vont couler

his mother reveals his last words spoken before his death, your tears will flow

Grégory Lemarchal joined the stars on April 30, 2007. However, in 2022, no one has forgotten him and everyone remembers his extraordinary voice. Whether it’s his family, his fans or even the world of music. The young artist was suffering from the terrible disease of cystic fibrosis. His mother reveals the last words he said before his disappearance.

Grégory Lemarchal, an angel in the sky

At only 23 years old, Grégory Lemarchal had already had the chance to realize his dream thanks to his talent. Indeed, he was a student of the famous show star Academy from which he emerged winner of season 4 in 2014. Many artists have been revealed thanks to this reality TV program, such as Jenifer, Nolwenn Leroy or Elodie Frégé. But, Grégory Lemarchal remains an artist who marked the French with his crystalline voice and especially his personal story.

Indeed, he was suffering from this rare and often fatal genetic disease. It affects the intestines and the lungs. This causes pain, coughing and these symptoms worsen with age. This phenomenon increases the viscosity of the mucus and therefore the accumulation in the respiratory and digestive tracts.

Grégory Lemarchal’s parents advance medical research

Since his death, Pierre and Laurence, his parents, continue the fight and bring their stone to the building. Indeed, they have created an association and are fighting every day to get things done. They collect donations to advance medical research and raise awareness. Perhaps one day, researchers will find a cure for this scourge. This is what parents of sick children hope for more than anything. It would be a nice revenge on life. If you want to know more, do not hesitate to watch this film below on the disease.

In the meantime, Pierre and Laurence have just passed the sad fifteenth birthday without their son. Many people have not forgotten it and the parents have received tender messages on the Web. Nikos Aliagas is one of those people who kept Grégory Lemarchal in their memory and he paid him a beautiful tribute.

Heartbreaking tributes on the Web and on television

“Time passes but the Angel remains. His passage, as short as it is intense, changed our lives, his testimony has become a raison d’être for thousands of people. I think of Pierre & Laurence, of Leslie and her children “, he wrote on his account Twitter. For her part, Laurence Lemarchal continues her commitment to associations and writes this very positive message: “Things are progressing, both in terms of patient care and medical research. Since July 2021, a treatment has been marketed”she told one of our colleagues from the magazine TV 7 Days this Monday, May 2, 2022. If she continues the fight, it is also to respect her promise to her son. Indeed, it was Grégory Lemarchal’s last wish.

Grégory Lemarchal’s last words…

Laurence Lemarchal shared her son’s last words. « We will continue to help the sick, reminding them of the sentence that Greg said before leaving: ‘Above all, tell them never to give up' », remembered the mother of Grégory Lemarchal with a lot of emotions. This touching confidence is at the origin of his fight which has lasted for 15 years.

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