« However, it’s not complicated »: Pascal Praud loses his calm in the face of a guest

"However, it's not complicated": Pascal Praud loses his calm in the face of a guest

Pascal Praud lost his calm in front of a guest on the set of the Hour of the Pros this Monday, May 16. He didn’t directly answer his question.

Pascal Praud does not have his tongue in his pocket and he does not hesitate to let it be known. On the set of the hour of the pros this Monday, May 16, he spoke about the current health situation and lost his calm in the face of one of his guests, who did not want to answer directly the question put to him. The presenter mentioned masks in transport, which are no longer compulsory. « It’s not a complicated question though », launched Pascal Praud in front of Martin Blachier, his guest of the day. But what happened? On the set of his show, the presenter first related the words of Professor Delfraissy. « He said that Omicron had passed and now it’s the variants that will take over« , he explained before adding: « The pandemic is not over, we must be careful. No one can say when or what new variant will arrive. There will be a new vaccination campaign« . Before giving the floor to Martin Blachier, he declared that, according to him, what is « funny is that I have the impression that we have come out of the madness and that everything that, modestly, with a little common sense, what we told you here, will be applied now“. What the principal concerned said: “The virus is not going away. »

The Covid-19 pandemic has been in the news a lot since March 2020. Many restrictions were put in place over the months and these were later removed. This Monday, May 16, it is the mask in transport that is set aside, to the delight of the French. However, Martin Blachier recalls that there will be « new waves. It is a seasonal virus. It must already be said so that there is no panic phenomenon« , he explained before adding: « There may be a small wave this summer, like there was last year« . For his part, Pascal Praud wanted to learn more about wearing a mask. « And the mask that we take off everywhere?“, he asked. What his guest assures: “You should never put it back« . An affirmation that astonishes Pascal Praud. « I heard people say it doesn’t protect at all« , he continued. « If we look at the balance sheet of the English, who have removed the mask since February, and we compare to ours, it is the same. We piss off the French with restrictive measures for nothing« , indicated Martin Blachier. An answer that did not suit the presenter, who lost his calm. « No, but what I don’t understand is that scientifically, medically, does the mask prevent the spread of the virus?« , he got annoyed. « There is 70% less risk as we know, there have been studies on the mask for a long time. But putting it in such and such a place does not diminish the overall balance sheet on the epidemic.“, concluded Martin Blachier.

Lifting of the wearing of the mask: has this decision been considered?

During a speech a few days ago, Olivier Véran announced the lifting of the obligation to wear a mask in transport. News that the French were impatiently awaiting since, for the first time since the start of the health crisis, it is again possible to use transport without wearing a fabric or surgical mask. On the set of C to You, Friday, May 15, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari provided details. « There was a debate and a defense council on Wednesday morning« , he first indicated. In order to make this decision, the government has « watched at once the health situation which, all the same, is improving in certain countries in Europeanda little less overseas but overall improving“, he continued before specifying that he could however have to keep the mask, depending on the situation in which he finds himself.


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