Ingrid Chauvin: this adorable and unexpected gesture that her son asks her every evening before bedtime

Ingrid Chauvin: this adorable and unexpected gesture that her son asks her every evening before bedtime

Ingrid Chauvin is a happy mother. For We Two, the actress returned to her new life shared with Philippe Warin. The opportunity also to evoke a small habit that she shares with her son, Tom.

For many months now, Ingrid Chauvin shares the life of Philippe Warin. Thus, the actress has finally found love since her divorce with Thierry Peythieu, the father of her son, Tom. « Two people can be made to be together, but for various reasons it’s not the right timing. But… fate takes care of the rest, kindred spirits always find each other in the end! », wrote the mother on Instagram. From now on, the small blended family is learning to apprehend life together.A situation that makes the actress happy: « I have always dreamed of having a big family and as a mum, life did not give me this possibility. Today we have four children aged 5, 14, 22 and 23 »she describes for We Two.

Ingrid Chauvin, fulfilled in her private life, has set herself a real challenge: launch your own perfume brand. The first edition called Mademoiselle Chauvin, this perfume was created for a good cause: « I did it graciously for the children », she specifies. The opportunity for her to evoke the perfumes that have marked her life and to take the opportunity to confide on a little habit she started with her son : « So I used rice powder, rose, jasmine and violet. The scent is soothing, enveloping, comforting, it’s an olfactory comforter for my son who asks me to spray some on his pillow every night ».

Ingrid Chauvin: « I have a house full of life with children »

The actress is therefore very happy in her new life, made possible thanks to Philippe Warin: « Everyone has found their place, everyone gets on well. For him, it’s just more. He has a unique relationship with each of the children. The age difference between them is not felt (.. .) I think it’s great, I have a house full of life with children, animals. It’s joyful, it’s great! ». Ingrid Chauvin is happy.


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© Denis Guignebourg

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Ingrid Chauvin
Thus, the actress has finally found love since her divorce with Thierry Peythieu, the father of her son, Tom. « Two people can be made to be together, but for various reasons it’s not the right timing. But… fate takes care of the rest, soul mates always end up finding each other! », wrote the mother on Instagram .

© Pierre Perusseau

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Ingrid Chauvin
From now on, the small blended family is learning to apprehend life together.


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Ingrid Chauvin
A situation that makes the actress happy: « I have always dreamed of having a big family and as a mother, life did not give me this possibility. Today, we have four children aged 5, 14, 22 and 23 years old”, she describes for Us Two.


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Ingrid Chauvin
Ingrid Chauvin, flourishing in her private life, has set herself a real challenge: launching her own perfume brand.


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Ingrid Chauvin
The first edition called Mademoiselle Chauvin, this perfume was made for a good cause: « I did it free of charge for the children », she says.


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Ingrid Chauvin
The opportunity for her to evoke the perfumes that have marked her life and to take the opportunity to confide in a little habit that she has established with her son.


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Ingrid Chauvin
« So I used rice powder, rose, jasmine and violet. The scent is soothing, enveloping, comforting, it’s an olfactory comforter for my son who asks me to spray some on his pillow every night ».

© Bruno Bébert

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Ingrid Chauvin
The actress is therefore very happy in her new life, made possible thanks to Philippe Warin.

© Agency

10/12 –

Ingrid Chauvin
« Everyone has found their place, everyone gets along well. For him, it’s just more. »

© Jean-Marc Lhomer

11/12 –

Ingrid Chauvin
« He has a unique relationship with each of the children. The age difference between them is not felt (…) I find it great, I have a house full of life with children, animals. It’s Merry, it’s nice! ».

© Denis Guignebourg

12/12 –

Ingrid Chauvin
Ingrid Chauvin is happy.

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