Léa Salamé: this rare and adorable holiday photo with her son

Léa Salamé: this rare and adorable holiday photo with her son

This Friday, May 6, Léa Salamé shared a rare snapshot with her five-year-old son, Gabriel. A mother-son duo having fun at the beach.

A mother-son duo to the angels. On her Instagram account, Léa Salamé is more used to promoting her various shows. But sometimes they are adorable slices of life that the journalist agrees to share with her subscribers, as is the case this Friday, May 6. Absent from the France Inter antenna since Thursday, May 5, Léa Salamé is enjoying a well-deserved extended weekend. And while the weather is (almost) in the summer holidays, the companion of Raphaël Glucksmann could not resist the temptation to take a breath of fresh air. In the story of her Instagram account, she revealed a photograph of her and her son, Gabriel enjoying the sun and these summer temperatures.

Internet users can observe it chase her man of just five years on a beach. Sunglasses on the nose, the boy – whose face we do not see – is dressed in a marinière and jeans. « Breathe [respirer, ndlr]“, legend the main interested party who, with this very particular presidential campaign, has undoubtedly not had much time for his son in recent weeks. It must be said that the journalist is on all fronts. Between the morning of France Inter, Elysee 2022 and We are live, Léa Salamé assured. « I have just had one of the richest years of my career. I have never worked so much. But I won’t be able to keep this pace next season…“, she confided to Entertainment TV this Monday, May 2.

This pact that Léa Salamé made with her son and son-in-law

So she will have to make a choice. If her departure from the most listened to morning in France seemed in the pipes, she reconsidered this decision. « It’s been seven years since I’ve been there with my son and son-in-law for breakfast… It hurts my heart and it’s very hard“, she lamented to TV Magazinerevealing to have « make a pact with the children telling them that I will be more absent this year because of the presidential election, and I promised them that I will be more available once this election is over« . Promise kept.

Failing to always spend a lot of time with his family, Léa Salamé favors the quality of these family moments. This is particularly the case at the end of the day. « From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., I take care of the bath, dinner, history and bedtime: these are the four things I try to do every evening, having the cell phone closed if possible, otherwise away“, she explained to Gala in 2019. What she should be able to do more next year, since she plans to draw a line under the political program of France 2. « We are thinking about it, it is not settled. I can’t go on« , she blurts out to Entertainment TV. It’s the men in her life who will be delighted.


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© Instagram

2/12 –

Gabriel and Lea Salame
A mother-son duo to the angels

© doc France Inter

3/12 –

Lea Salame
Absent from the France Inter antenna since this Thursday, May 5, Léa Salamé is enjoying a well-deserved extended weekend

© doc France 2

4/12 –

Lea Salame
And while the weather is (almost) summer vacation, Léa Salamé could not resist the temptation to take a breath of fresh air

© Instagram

5/12 –

Léa Salamé and Gabriel
In the story of her Instagram account, she revealed this photograph of her and her son, Gabriel enjoying the sun and these summer temperatures.

© Instagram

6/12 –

Gabriel and his half-brother
Internet users can thus observe him chasing his man of just five years on a beach

© Instagram

7/12 –

Raphaël Glucksmann and his sons
Sunglasses on the nose, the boy – whose face we do not see – is dressed in a marinière and jeans

© Instagram

8/12 –

Gabriel and his half-brother
« Breathe [respirer, ndlr]“, legend the main interested party who, with this very special presidential campaign, has probably not had a lot of time for her son in recent weeks

© doc France Inter

9/12 –

Lea Salame
It must be said that the journalist is on all fronts

© doc France 2

10/12 –

Lea Salame
« I have just lived one of the richest years of my career. I have never worked so much. But I will not be able to keep this rhythm next season… », she confided

© doc France 2

11/12 –

Lea Salame
« It’s been seven years since I’ve been present with my son and my son-in-law for breakfast … It hurts my heart and it’s very hard », lamented Léa Salamé who made a pact with the boys

© Instagram

12/12 –

Gabriel and Raphael Glucksmann
« I promised them that I will be more available once this election is over. » Promise kept for Léa Salamé who offers them quality moments

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